David Wollen

In 1962, Don and Carol Richardson, along with their seven-month-old baby, traveled to a remote tribe known for treachery, headhunting, and cannibalism. Eventually, after living among the people and learning their language, this tribe came to know Jesus. The dramatic story is captured in the classic “Peace Child” book and movie, but what was it like from the perspective of the Richardsons’ child who saw it firsthand?

On today’s episode of the Great Stories podcast, Steve Richardson, the boy who grew up among the Sawi people, joins David Wollen to share the story behind the story, as well as what it’s like among the Sawi people today—more than a half century later.

Never the Same – Revisiting the Sawi People

50 years after Don and Carol Richardson arrived in the Sawi village where Peace Child takes place, Steve Richardson joins his father, Don, and two brothers, Shannon and Paul, to see how Christ is still at work.

Peace Child (DVD)

Peace Child DVD

Peace Child (DVD) is an extraordinary true missions story that shows how the Gospel can transform lives, even in one of the darkest settings imaginable.

Don and Carol Richardson responded to the call of Christ and traveled to a remote rain forest inhabited by some of the world’s most hard-to-reach people. They lived among them and learned the language, only to be shocked when the story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus made him a hero to a people whose highest attribute was to be masters of treachery.

When inter-tribal warfare broke out, the battles continued until a warring chief offered his son as a means of bringing lasting peace. “As long as they child lives,” the chief explained, “there will be no more fighting.” After many failed attempts, this is what the Lord used to allow the Gospel to take root.

Part documentary, part reenactment—Peace Child is a classic true missions story that will show you how the Lord conspires to bring all people to Christ. 

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When Jesus gave the Great Commission to his disciples, what do you think those young men were thinking? “Disciples of ALL nations? Is that really feasible for a bunch of outcasts like us?”

Whatever doubts they had, Jesus packaged this incredible mission for them (and us) with words of great comfort: “All authority has been given to me” (Matt. 28:18) and “I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20). These words are still true today, even as many western Christian leaders are increasingly worried about a growing missions crisis.

The United States remains the largest missionary-sending country in the world, in terms of total numbers, but those numbers have been slowing down. There are now more fields than workers that are being sent to gather and harvest. The words of Jesus fit our own moment in history well:

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” —Luke 10:2

In practical terms, few missions agencies are filling the needs that they have—with people and resources—and when missionaries are sent, many are coming home earlier than expected.

This doesn’t pin down neatly into one single issue. There are personal conflicts that happen on the field, troubles engaging cross-culturally, spiritual warfare, and even a general home-sickness. And when a missionary leaves early, it can have consequences on the people they were trying to reach—a Gospel partially heard, a community partially formed. There is also a sense of abandonment, especially when there is no one to replace them.

And yet, there is hope. Don’t forget the words Jesus spoke. “All authority on heaven and on earth have been given to me … I am with you always.”

Our Lord said this knowing what would come. Persecution was brought on from a powerful Roman empire. Plagues and wars put countless lives at risk. Yes, even a lack of missionaries being sent out into the world. Jesus instructed us to pray about this for a reason.

“Missions crises” are not unique to our current day. There have always been obstacles to making disciples of all nations. But Jesus remains on the throne, and He is with us by His Spirit.

While the church in the West considers how to encourage more men and women into the mission field, the church in the Global South and Asia is on the move.

Over the past few decades, the Global South has been sending missionaries at an astonishing rate, making a great impact in areas the West has historically struggled to reach. I know of Hispanic missionaries who have been used by God to reach countries dominated by Islam. The church in Asia has had a great passion for training missionaries and sending them all over the world.

Despite the challenge facing the United States as a missionary-sending powerhouse, this is good news! Jesus is continuing to build his church.

This is why I think the story of Peace Child (DVD available here) is so important for today. As we consider what the Western church should do with its “missions crisis,” this true historical account of success in cross-cultural missions shows us the bigger picture by focusing on a microcosm of what Christ is doing around the world today. More than entertaining, it’s inspiring to see the Lord at work in ways we never would have imagined on our own.

Peace Child on DVD is available to you here as our thanks for your gift to the ministry of Haven—a multi-media ministry that shares the Gospel around the world. I am confident this film will lead you to thanksgiving and prayer for those in the mission field. If it doesn’t inspire you to go overseas, it may lead you to support someone who is going!

However you choose to support the Great Commission in our world today, I simply ask you to join me in praying for the many missionaries who are even now reaching the far corners of the earth with the good news of Jesus Christ.


President of Haven Ministries since November 2023, David Wollen is the host of the daily Haven Today radio broadcast. He resides in the greater Chicago area with his wife, Marci, and their three children. They are active leaders in their church where David serves as an elder and part of the preaching team, and Marci leads women’s ministries. David is passionate about teaching God’s Word with God’s heart. He sees this as synonymous with Haven’s longtime tagline: “Telling the Great Story … it’s all about Jesus!”

Peace Child (DVD)

Peace Child DVD

Peace Child (DVD) is an extraordinary true missions story that shows how the Gospel can transform lives, even in one of the darkest settings imaginable.

Don and Carol Richardson responded to the call of Christ and traveled to a remote rain forest inhabited by some of the world’s most hard-to-reach people. They lived among them and learned the language, only to be shocked when the story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus made him a hero to a people whose highest attribute was to be masters of treachery.

When inter-tribal warfare broke out, the battles continued until a warring chief offered his son as a means of bringing lasting peace. “As long as they child lives,” the chief explained, “there will be no more fighting.” After many failed attempts, this is what the Lord used to allow the Gospel to take root.

Part documentary, part reenactment—Peace Child is a classic true missions story that will show you how the Lord conspires to bring all people to Christ.


We’ve all been there. Peer pressure, desire for acceptance, fear of rejection. These aren’t just issues for teenagers in the lunchroom. From young adulthood into old age, these struggles are still an issue for many of us. The Bible calls it fear of man and demonstrates it against the backdrop of fear of God.

Ultimately, they cannot coexist.

On today’s episode of the Great Stories podcast, David Wollen is joined by Dr. Ed Welch to discuss these common struggles. Using his book When People are Big and God is Small as a launching pad for the conversation, this episode strives to help you—whether you have been aware of it up until now, or not—to grapple with the tug-of-war between fear of man and fear of God.

When People Are Big and God Is Small

Do you crave people’s love and approval? Do you dread their rejection or mistreatment? Ed Welch uncovers the spiritual dimension of people-pleasing and points the way through a true knowledge of God, ourselves, and others.

All experiences of the fear of man share at least one common feature: people are big. They have grown to idolatrous proportions in our lives. They control us. Since there is no room in our hearts to worship both God and people, whenever people are big, God is not. Therefore the first task in escaping the snare of the fear of man is to know that God is awesome and glorious, not other people.

“Few living writers have helped me more deeply to connect the dots between my heart and my actions than Ed Welch.” —Dane Ortlund

Biblical counselor Edward Welch tackles this struggle head-on in a groundbreaking work that has been substantially updated and revised for this new edition. Discover a fear of the Lord that, in Christ, is filled with gratitude, love, and devotion—freeing you to need others less and love them more.

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What are you ashamed of? If you’re like most people, a blunt question like this has the power to resurface long-ago-buried memories of wrongdoing. It doesn’t even matter whether you were caught or got away with it, shame can stay with us for many years—and yet it is too often ignored and unresolved.

On today’s episode of the Great Stories podcast, David Wollen and his wife, Marci, are joined by author and counselor Heather Davis Nelson. In this conversation, they discuss the destructive force shame can have on the life of a believer, how it is as old as sin itself, and how Jesus ultimately redeems us and rescues us.

For more on how to find freedom from shame, visit haventoday.org to receive a copy of Heather’s book “Unashamed” as our thanks for your gift in support of this podcast ministry.


How do we heal our brokenness and find freedom from shame? “Unashamed” by Heather Davis Nelson explores the chains that bind us and points us to the one who redeems us and makes us new.

Whether it’s related to relationships, body image, work difficulties, or a secret sin, we all experience shame at some point in our lives. While shame can manifest itself in different ways—fear, regret, and anger—it ultimately points us to our most fundamental need as human beings: redemption.

Heather Davis Nelson invites us to not only be healed of our own shame but also be a part of healing for others—after all, shame never disappears in solitude. In this book, Nelson shines the life-giving light of the gospel on the things that leave us feeling worthless and rejected. Through the gospel, we discover the only real and lasting antidote to shame: exchanging our shame for the righteousness of Christ alongside others on this same journey.

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“Weakness on one side, fatigue all around.” Charles Morris was 18 months old when he contracted polio. And while the Lord spared him the most debilitating parts of the disease, he’s had to live with the effects ever since. Those effects only become more amplified with age.

On a special episode of the great stories podcast, David Wollen speaks with Charles Morris about what his everyday life is like with post-polio and how it reminds him of the Lord’s strength when he is feeling weak. No matter what troubles and weaknesses you may be facing today, this episode will keep you looking to Jesus.

More from Charles Morris

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Did you know that Haven Ministries is celebrating 90 incredible years of ministry?

If you missed our live 90th anniversary celebration, no worries! You can catch all the highlights and heartwarming moments in the video below. Be encouraged as David Wollen, Charles Morris, Joni Eareckson Tada, and more reflect on Haven’s rich history of sharing the gospel for 90 years … and counting!

All About Jesus Hymns (CD)

A good hymn has the power to catch your ear, warm your heart, and fill your soul with truths about God and His Word. Haven’s 90th anniversary album All About Jesus Hymns seeks to inspire this through foundational anthems of the Christian faith, including “Softly & Tenderly,” “How Great Thou Art,” “I Surrender All,” and more.

Allow the familiar voices of Steve Ragsdale, Paul Sandberg, Truitt Ford, and other vocalists through the years to lead you to Jesus in a deeply personal way. This hand-selected collection brings together 20 of the Haven Quartet’s greatest recordings in a new 90th anniversary album that includes a commemorative booklet on Haven’s rich legacy from 1934 to the present day.

This commemorative album includes an accompanying booklet featuring the rich history of Haven Ministries! Go back in time with photos of First Mate Bob, the Haven Quartet, Charles Morris, and more.

Give me faith like Daniel, hope like Moses, and a heart like David. If you grew up attending Sunday School, this may have been the way you were taught to look up to Old Testament characters. These lessons are significant, but there’s more gold deeper down if we’re willing to look.

Just like Israel longed for a king that could only be fulfilled in Jesus Christ, we often look to Bible “heroes” for inspiration on how to follow the Lord. And yet Jesus taught his disciples to read Scripture in a more unified way. The classic text for this is Luke 24 when the resurrected Jesus appears to two travelers on the road to Emmaus and showed them how all of the Scriptures pointed to himself.

This passage in Luke 24 is one of the reasons why the tagline of Haven has for decades been, “It’s all about Jesus.” That’s no exaggeration. In some way, every page of Scripture is pointing us to Christ.

In the Old Testament, we can see this in the three offices instituted by God among his people—prophets, priests, and kings. Israel needed all three, but no human could ever fulfill their assigned role perfectly, let alone do all three. Not until God became man. There we see Jesus fulfilling them all.

A great way to illustrate this is in the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. It’s in the middle of the Old Testament and does not mention Jesus by name, but it’s clear that God is foreshadowing the Anointed King to come—the Messiah. Let’s dig into the text to see how.

In 1 Samuel, the children of Israel yearn for a king … but clearly not the true King they needed. In 8:19, the truth of the matter becomes clear after Samuel warns the people of Israel that this will come at a terrible cost.

… the people refused to listen to Samuel. “No!” they said. “We want a king over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.”

They were asking because, in their hearts, they were rejecting the Lord. Which is what the Lord had already told Samuel they were doing. Jumping back to verse 6.

… And the LORD told him [Samuel]: “Listen to all that the people are saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king.

Israel did not seek nor wait upon the Lord. A trait, unfortunately, their soon-to-be king would share.

Eventually, Samuel anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. A man who fit every expectation for a king at the time—but he was far from perfect. And then, about halfway through 1 Samuel, we are introduced to young David.

Many of us are familiar with David’s life. He is known as Israel’s finest king. He was given a great promise of an everlasting kingdom, but even this king “after God’s own heart” had his shortcomings.

Following David’s path in 1 Samuel, we see his ascendency filled with great difficulty. He is rejected by King Saul and is persecuted by him. David is frequently accused of wrongdoing. Things are so bad near the end of the book that David finds refuge, not among the people of God, but for a short time among their rivals, the Philistines.

So where do we find Jesus in this narrative? The text is, as Sally Lloyd-Jones famously coined in the Jesus Storybook Bible, “whispering His name.”

Samuel, Saul, and David are all unique individuals. And they each uniquely reveal something about the King to come. Here are just a few examples:

  • The life of Samuel as Israel’s final judge points to the fulfillment of a promised leader who will be a faithful priest and deliverer.
  • The life of Saul points to Jesus in a different way, by showing us what not to expect. Just as the Lord rejected Saul as king, Jesus also subverted expectations by ushering in a kingdom that is not of this world. (John 18:36)
  • The life of David points to Jesus by modeling the path of the coming Messiah. Like David, the promised King would undergo a life of suffering before a crown rested upon his head. It’s through the line of David that the Messiah would finally be born. Psalms that could apply to David are often applied to Christ, such as Psalm 16:8-10:

I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead,
nor will you let your faithful one see decay.

From Malachi 3:1 to Genesis 3:15, there are many direct and indirect passages of Scripture that point us to Christ. Sometimes it’s obvious, like Isaiah’s famous servant songs (42:1-4; 49:1-6; 50:4-9, and 52:13-53:12). Other times, the presence of Jesus is more like a whisper because of what’s lacking, like the rejection of Saul as king.

Wherever you may be in your reading of God’s Word, may the Spirit lead you to behold a clearer picture of our true King Jesus. He’s the greater Samuel, Saul, and David. He was not the King Israel expected, but He was and is the king we all need.

But this only scratches the surface. For a deeper dive into how 1 and 2 Samuel points us to Jesus, listen to the full 10-part Haven Today series.


President of Haven Ministries since November 2023, David Wollen is the host of the daily Haven Today radio broadcast. He resides in the greater Chicago area with his wife, Marci, and their three children. They are active leaders in their church where David serves as an elder and part of the preaching team, and Marci leads women’s ministries. David is passionate about teaching God’s Word with God’s heart. He sees this as synonymous with Haven’s longtime tagline: “Telling the Great Story … it’s all about Jesus!”

Christ In All The Scriptures

Haven is excited to announce their newly published book! It was written to help you read and pray through all of Scripture — with the eyes of your heart fixed on Jesus!

Christ in All the Scriptures: Reading and Praying Through the Bible in a Year is a 264-page resource written with you in mind and is the first of its kind from Haven. This easy‑to‑navigate book contains overviews of each book in the Bible and prayers centered on each reading. It helps you see more of Jesus on every page of your Bible … and that, in turn, will help draw you nearer to Christ as you engage with Him through the Word.

  • 66 Contextual Book Summaries
  • Guided Prayers
  • 365 Daily Readings
  • Ribbon Bookmark
  • Clothbound

You can use it to help you read the Bible in a year — with a reading for each week — or as a reference to pray through the Scriptures at whatever pace and place in Scripture you are reading God’s Word.

How can all the Bible be all about Jesus when His name doesn’t explicitly appear till the New Testament? From Genesis to Leviticus to Esther, it may be hard to see Jesus on the surface of every page, but he’s there—in profound and subtle ways.

Dr. Dennis Johnson is a scholar and one of the founding faculty members of Westminster Seminary in California. Today, he joins David Wollen to discuss a christocentric approach to reading and studying God’s Word.

If you are new to this way of reading the Bible, we encourage you to be patient. It may take some time to learn to see Jesus on every page, but it’s important and worth the effort. Because this is not merely a hermeneutical trick of smoke and mirrors … it’s the way Jesus himself taught his disciples to study and teach the Scriptures.

Further Resources

Christ In All The Scriptures

Haven is excited to announce their newly published book! It was written to help you read and pray through all of Scripture — with the eyes of your heart fixed on Jesus!

Christ in All the Scriptures: Reading and Praying Through the Bible in a Year is a 264-page resource written with you in mind and is the first of its kind from Haven. This easy‑to‑navigate book contains overviews of each book in the Bible and prayers centered on each reading. It helps you see more of Jesus on every page of your Bible … and that, in turn, will help draw you nearer to Christ as you engage with Him through the Word.

  • 66 Contextual Book Summaries
  • Guided Prayers
  • 365 Daily Readings
  • Ribbon Bookmark
  • Clothbound

You can use it to help you read the Bible in a year — with a reading for each week — or as a reference to pray through the Scriptures at whatever pace and place in Scripture you are reading God’s Word.

You can also find the podcast on …

If you liked what you heard, please write a review and help new listeners discover the show!

Sign up for the Great Stories Podcast newsletter to get a weekly update on new episodes each Wednesday. 

David Wollen and Charles Morris met up recently to look back on how the Lord has led and sustained Haven’s gospel-focused ministry for 90 years. In this video that features early footage of Paul Myers and the Haven Quartet, David and Charles also discuss how the relevance of Jesus’ invitation to anchor our weary souls in His “Haven of Rest” is needed just as much now as it was in 1934.

Every day, Haven Ministries reaches countless souls with the assurance that yes, He can set things right. But we can’t do it alone … Haven depends on generous gifts from friends like you to keep this all about Jesus ministry on the airwaves.

Would you consider supporting the transformation of people’s lives through the faithful preaching of Christ and His Word with your fiscal year end gift today?

My Gift for Haven’s Fiscal Year End

We need your help to carry out our vital mission

As Haven enters its 10th decade of ministry, we are faced with a sizable task—sharing Christ boldly and faithfully in a deteriorating world. Even as we celebrate God’s goodness in Haven’s rich 90-year legacy, we must fix our eyes on the future.

Today, Jesus’ invitation to anchor our weary souls in His “Haven of Rest” is needed now more than ever. This is the message Haven shares daily throughout North America, Cuba, and much of the Latin-speaking world … But we need your help to raise $952,272 by June 30th to carry out this vital mission and finish the year on budget. Would you stand with Haven in this critical moment?

Just as each listener is important, every single gift given to sustain this gospel-focused ministry matters. Together, let’s sow seeds of hope for the future. With your help, more people will experience the life-transforming grace of Christ—many for the first time.

A lot has been said about C.S. Lewis the writer, the professor, the theologian, the apologist. But what about C.S. Lewis the friend? Joseph Kohm has written extensively about the surprising, yet tragic, friendship between Lewis and his childhood pal, Arthur Greeves.

On today’s episode of the Great Stories podcast, Kohm joins David Wollen to discuss how Lewis considered friendship to be the chief source of happiness—and his friendship with Greeves lasted for half a century. This conversation also covers Lewis’ life story, the unique approach he took to defending Christianity, and how his words continue to speak to us in our modern world.

Whether you are a longtime fan of Lewis’ writing or you’re just wanting to learn more about his life and work, this conversation will likely shed new light on one of Christianity’s most beloved writers.

More Related to C.S. Lewis

  • LISTEN: Last week, David Wollen spoke with Max McLean on the experience of embodying C.S. Lewis as an actor. Listen to the episode.
  • WATCH: Experience C.S. Lewis’ profound journey from vigorous debunker of Christianity to become, as he said, “the most reluctant convert in all England.” Receive your copy of the DVD as our thanks for your gift to haven.
  • READ: As an apologist, Lewis went to great lengths to share his conversion story and defend the truth of the Christian faith. Read more in this article.
  • READ: Joseph Kohm’s book delves deeper into the surprising friendship of Lewis and Arthur Greeves. Learn more.

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If you liked what you heard, please write a review and help new listeners discover the show!

Sign up for the Great Stories Podcast newsletter to get a weekly update on new episodes each Wednesday. 

The Most Reluctant Convert (DVD)

Experience C.S. Lewis’ profound journey from vigorous debunker of Christianity to become, as he said, “the most reluctant convert in all England.”The Most Reluctant Convert

Through Max McLean’s detailed and masterful performance, Lewis’ story of grief, loss and redemption comes to life on screen in his own magnificent words. Whether you are young in your faith or have been following Jesus most of your life, The Most Reluctant Convert is a much needed reminder that the Gospel never stops working.