Steve Richards with Sawi People, Peace Child

Steve Richardson Tells the Story Behind “Peace Child”

In 1962, Don and Carol Richardson, along with their seven-month-old baby, traveled to a remote tribe known for treachery, headhunting, and cannibalism. Eventually, after living among the people and learning…
Ed Welch on Fear of Man, Fear of God

Dr. Ed Welch on the Tug-of-War Between Fear of Man and Fear of God

We’ve all been there. Peer pressure, desire for acceptance, fear of rejection. These aren’t just issues for teenagers in the lunchroom. From young adulthood into old age, these struggles are…
Heather Davis Nelson on Shame Podcast

Heather Davis Nelson on How Jesus Rescues Us from Our Shame

What are you ashamed of? If you’re like most people, a blunt question like this has the power to resurface long-ago-buried memories of wrongdoing. It doesn’t even matter whether you…
Charles Morris on Living with Post-Polio

Charles Morris on Living with Post-Polio

“Weakness on one side, fatigue all around.” Charles Morris was 18 months old when he contracted polio. And while the Lord spared him the most debilitating parts of the disease,…
First Mate Bob

First Mate Bob Tells the Story Behind the Haven of Rest

It all started on an early foggy morning in 1934, when Paul Myers, a former Los Angeles radio personality and station manager of leading radio stations woke up near a…
David Sunday, Podcast Seeing Jesus in the Psalms

David Sunday on Seeing Jesus in the Psalms

God speaks powerfully through the books of the Bible. This is especially true in the Psalms. Not only does it include words to help us express our deepest thoughts and…
Dennis Johnson interview

Dennis Johnson on How All the Bible is All About Jesus

How can all the Bible be all about Jesus when His name doesn’t explicitly appear till the New Testament? From Genesis to Leviticus to Esther, it may be hard to…

Julie Lowe on How to Shield our Homes and Equip our Kids

The data is clear. Our world and culture are shaping our kids in ways that are often difficult to detect. For parents and grandparents, the natural reaction might be to…
C.S. Lewis, Importance of Friendship, Joseph Kohm Podcast

Joseph Kohm on the Importance of Friendship for C.S. Lewis

A lot has been said about C.S. Lewis the writer, the professor, the theologian, the apologist. But what about C.S. Lewis the friend? Joseph Kohm has written extensively about the…

Max McLean Gives C.S. Lewis A Voice for Today

C.S. Lewis is arguably one of the most quoted individuals from the 20th century. Despite passing away 60 years ago, his thoughts remain timeless. His books, essays, and children’s stories…
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