A Brief History of Haven Ministries

David Wollen and Charles Morris met up recently to look back on how the Lord has led and sustained Haven’s gospel-focused ministry for 90 years. In this video that features early footage of Paul Myers and the Haven Quartet, David and Charles also discuss how the relevance of Jesus’ invitation to anchor our weary souls in His “Haven of Rest” is needed just as much now as it was in 1934.

Every day, Haven Ministries reaches countless souls with the assurance that yes, He can set things right. But we can’t do it alone … Haven depends on generous gifts from friends like you to keep this all about Jesus ministry on the airwaves.

Would you consider supporting the transformation of people’s lives through the faithful preaching of Christ and His Word with your fiscal year end gift today?

My Gift for Haven’s Fiscal Year End

We need your help to carry out our vital mission

As Haven enters its 10th decade of ministry, we are faced with a sizable task—sharing Christ boldly and faithfully in a deteriorating world. Even as we celebrate God’s goodness in Haven’s rich 90-year legacy, we must fix our eyes on the future.

Today, Jesus’ invitation to anchor our weary souls in His “Haven of Rest” is needed now more than ever. This is the message Haven shares daily throughout North America, Cuba, and much of the Latin-speaking world … But we need your help to raise $952,272 by June 30th to carry out this vital mission and finish the year on budget. Would you stand with Haven in this critical moment?

Just as each listener is important, every single gift given to sustain this gospel-focused ministry matters. Together, let’s sow seeds of hope for the future. With your help, more people will experience the life-transforming grace of Christ—many for the first time.

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