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How Can Christians Rejoice in Suffering?

Sometimes it seems that tragedy strikes when life is going well. I experienced this firsthand when traveling with Pastor John Dickerson, author of I Am Strong. Before I boarded the plane…
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Join Us In Reading the Bible in 90 Days

If reading the Bible provides such an abundance of peace, if time with the Lord in his Word is so fruitful, then why aren’t we faithful in reading the Bible?…
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Where Was Jesus in 2015?

After multiple terrorist attacks, civil wars, natural disasters, and the rise of numerous epidemics, some of us may look back and ask, where was Jesus in 2015? Charles Morris, President…
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Side By Side

Everyone needs help from time to time, especially in the midst of painful circumstances and difficult trials. Dr. Ed Welch introduces a way for all Christians—pastors and laypeople alike—to develop…
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Uncovered Letter From World War II

Haven Ministries is part of an 81-year legacy that began under the leadership of radio host Paul Myers. Known as First Mate Bob on the air, he encouraged listeners for…
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'Til We Meet Again

In Europe during WWII, Ray Whipps served as an infantryman under General Patton in the trenches of Normandy, Paris, and Belgium. Betty was a field nurse in Cherbourg, France. After…
Charles Morris
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Welcome to HAVEN Today

Founded in 1934, Haven Ministries has always had a simple mission: to tell the world all about Jesus. Today, the daily broadcast—called HAVEN Today—airs on more than 650 stations in…
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How I Learned to Snap

How can we encourage our kids to know the Bible in a world with so many distractions? Randall Goodgame creatively sets Bible passages to fun music, making it nearly impossible…
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Words From a Pastor Facing Cancer

At 2:58 PM on July 14, 2009, Andy McQuitty officially entered the valley of the shadow of death with these words from his doctor, “Andy, you have a massive tumor…
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Missing Jesus: Find Your Life in His Great Story

Once we become Christians, we start to hear all about how we need to share the good news. After all, Jesus himself said to “[g]o therefore and make disciples of…
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