'Til We Meet Again

In Europe during WWII, Ray Whipps served as an infantryman under General Patton in the trenches of Normandy, Paris, and Belgium. Betty was a field nurse in Cherbourg, France. After Ray was injured in a mortar blast, the two met and bonded over their shared faith. As Betty nursed Ray back to health, they fell in love and vowed to marry after the war.
But then things went terribly wrong. Hear Ray and Betty introduce their remarkable story of faith and love amidst the calamities of World War II.


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by Ray & Betty Whipps
Told in first person from Ray’s perspective, with personal wartime letters from Betty throughout, ‘Til We Meet Again is a sweeping love story set amid the backdrop of WWII. It is an epic story of faith, hope, and love, and a nostalgic look back at one of the most memorable periods in American history. But, most of all, this book will show you that no matter how hard things get, there is no trial so great that the strength of Christ in you is not greater still.

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