Ep. 1Practice makes perfect, they say. Top-level musicians and elite athletes know how important practice is, but how about for living the Christian life? God’s Word helps us toe the line on this tricky question. On today’s program, David Wollen is joined by professor and author Dr. Don Whitney.

Ep. 2 – They call it the ten-thousand-hour rule: you need to spend ten years practicing something at least 20 hours a week to truly master it. But does that apply to the Christian life? How does spiritual growth happen? Dr. Donald Whitney joins David Wollen for part two of a conversation about spiritual discipline.

Ep. 3 – How do Christians grow in godliness? That’s a spiritual question the Bible answers clearly and speaks to frequently. The question is, are we listening and are we willing to heed the call?

Ep. 4 – Motivation matters—a lot. In fact, what drives you can determine how successful you are in self-disciplines like healthy eating, exercise, and academic study. How much more, then, is this true for the pursuit of godliness? The Bible speaks to this in 1 Timothy 4.

Ep. 1 – Interview with Dr. Don Whitney: Part 1
September 16, 2024
Ep. 2 – Interview with Dr. Don Whitney: Part 2
September 17, 2024
Ep. 3 – Heeding the Call to Holiness
September 18, 2024



Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

We aren’t meant to wait for holiness―we’re meant to pursue it. Don Whitney’s convicting insight on spiritual disciplines will challenge you to grow in new ways as a Christian.

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The Case for Spiritual Disciplines

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Dr. Don Whitney Discusses Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life

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