Words From a Pastor Facing Cancer

At 2:58 PM on July 14, 2009, Andy McQuitty officially entered the valley of the shadow of death with these words from his doctor, “Andy, you have a massive tumor that has broken through the wall of your colon. It’s cancer. It’s serious. Get in here now.”
Since then, Pastor Andy has been on a journey of discovery, prayer and purpose. Watch as he reads a blessing someone wrote for him when he was going through one of the darkest times of his life.

Pastor Andy included this blessing in his new book, Notes From the Valley: A Spiritual Travelogue Through Cancer. In it, Andy records much of what he discovered as he lived in the valley of the shadow of death. He takes time to sensitively answer questions like, “Why did I get cancer?” “Does God still love me?” and “Can any good come of this?”

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