The Slugs & Bugs Show is a groundbreaking new series designed to help children and parents grow together in Truth, navigating daily life through the lens of faith. Randall Goodgame, a producer of VeggieTales and creator of the Sing the Bible albums, brings together 4 animals, 13 episodes, 15 guests, and 27 songs in a show that’s delightfully quirky and all about Jesus. Click here to listen to our interview with Randall.
The Slugs & Bugs Show: Season 1
Welcome to the Slugs and Bugs Workshop, a joyful place where imaginations are kindled, songs are sung, and hijinks are discovered, alongside timeless truths about life and faith!
Join musician Randall Goodgame, Doug the Slug, Sparky the Lightning Bug, Morty and Maggie Raccoon, and a slew of special guests inside the brand-new Slugs & Bugs Workshop.
From a producer of VeggieTales, The Slugs & Bugs Show is delightful, quirky, hand-crafted fun for kids of all ages!
Looks like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. Not bad, but seems dated. I’m a retired preschool teacher and from what little I saw not sure it will engage today’s little ones. Hope I am wrong. I have used the Slugs and Bugs CDs in my classroom so I am familiar with Randall Goodgame.
Thanks for your honest feedback, Debbie. I’m happy the CDs have been a good resource for you.