stressed mother in the kitchen with her children
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Finding Hope in the Middle of Depression with Christine Chappell

Recent polls show that nearly a third living in the United States today are struggling with depression. This doesn’t account for those suffering silently. Surely the number is even higher.…
depression and anxiety

Christian Counselors Talk Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety. Two words that are all too familiar for so many of us. And the statistics have only gotten more bleak in recent years. But what is the…
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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

“Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4). This is quite rightfully a staple of Christian funerals and a precious promise that Christians cling to. Its…
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How Can Christians Rejoice in Suffering?

Sometimes it seems that tragedy strikes when life is going well. I experienced this firsthand when traveling with Pastor John Dickerson, author of I Am Strong. Before I boarded the plane…
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What San Bernardino Needs Most

SAN BERNARDINO – The youngest was 26. The oldest, 60. One man a father of 6, known for reaching out to strangers at supermarket check-out lines. But there was also…
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10 Little-known Facts About the Holocaust

It’s known as the Holocaust. Most people alive today would not have been around to witness the horror that took place during World War II, but we must never overlook…
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What to Say (and what not to say) to Sufferers

Friends wield significant power. They can build us up; they can tear us down. In God’s good design, they are one of the primary tools used to help us grow—especially…
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The Long Goodbye: Kara Tippetts Goes Home

She was wearing a knit hat. Not surprising for November in Colorado Springs. But when she took it off her suffering was exposed. Her eyes were bright and her smile…
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Kara Tippetts Documentary Trailer

After a long battle with breast cancer, Kara Tippetts went home to be with Jesus on Sunday, March 22, 2015. Our prayers and support go out to her husband Jason,…
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Words From a Pastor Facing Cancer

At 2:58 PM on July 14, 2009, Andy McQuitty officially entered the valley of the shadow of death with these words from his doctor, “Andy, you have a massive tumor…
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