modern christmas stories, snowy street

5 Modern Christmas Stories That Point to Jesus

Christmas is usually a time when we look back on stories of ages past. Think of classic tales like A Christmas Carol or The Night Before Christmas or even It’s…
Christmas Special, Podcast, Decorations

Christmas Special: Jesus Has Come to Our World

As winter sets in, so does the darkness. The sun sets earlier and rises later. It’s also when we celebrate the moment Jesus came into the world as a light…
Tyler Van Halteren and Charles Morris

Tyler Van Halteren on Sharing God’s Word with Children

There’s no shortage of kingdoms in children’s movies and books, and yet all of them pale in comparison to the Kingdom of God. But then why is it so often…
Phil Vischer and Sally Lloyd-Jones talk Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving with Phil Vischer and Sally-Lloyd Jones

As we prepare for another Thanksgiving in the US, Charles Morris is returning to two conversations he had with two special people who have done tremendous work in helping children…
Andrae Crouch Interview

Andraé Crouch: Stories and Songs from the Father of Modern American Gospel Music

You may not know his name but you’ve definitely heard and sung along to his music. Known as the father of modern gospel, Andraé Crouch won seven grammies and had a…
Jon Erwin, Filming

Jon Erwin on Faith, His Movies, and the Future of Christian Filmmaking

Jon Erwin is 1/2 of the Erwin Brothers, a two-person team of Christian Filmmakers committed to telling profound and Christ-honoring stories in cinema. You may have seen one of their…
Ted Staunton, stage

Ted Staunton: How An Actor Brings Scripture to Life Through Dramatic Reading

What would it be like if a classically trained actor approached Scripture reading in the same way he would Hamlet or Macbeth? The result is soul stirring. And it’s exactly…
Israel at War, shelter in hebrew

Israel at War: Hear from Impacted Believers Near the Gaza Border

Israel caught by surprise. The invasion came by land, sea, and air. Bulldozers punched through the border wall making openings for fleets of terrorists on motorcycles racing to small towns…
Red Sun, Screwtape Letters, Paul McCusker

Paul McCusker on Turning The Screwtape Letters into an Audio Drama

The Screwtape Letters is C.S. Lewis’ satirical book of letters where Hell is imagined as a gruesome bureaucracy and demons labor in a vast enterprise to lure and deceive humans…
Melissa Kruger podcast image

Melissa Kruger Wants You to Pray for Your Children

Most online lists covering what children need most include things like education, good health, and self-esteem. These are all good, but something’s missing . . . prayer. Yet when it…
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