
Russia launched a full-scale attack on Ukraine Thursday, February 24. It didn’t take long for this to become the most significant military conflict and fastest growing refugee crisis to hit Europe since World War II.

To keep you informed, we will be updating this page as new reports come in on major developments in the conflict, what the local and international church is doing to help, and how Christ is on the move, even in the midst of war and devastation. Please bookmark this page and check back regularly for new updates and ways you can pray as needs arise.

AID FOR UKRAINE: Haven Today is partnering with Mission Eurasia who is uniquely equipped to provide meal packs for these now homeless families. We are asking our listeners and readers to pray boldly and give boldly. Please pray for funds to keep this vital supply moving and expanding, including $120,000 needed to purchase six trucks that will transport many more tons of food and other assistance to hubs inside Ukraine. Click here to find out how you can help.

Monday, April 11

  • Daniel, who is working with several teams evacuating people out of dangerous areas, reports: Today several of our team members met with a guy who is doing evacuations in a city that has been in a bitter fight since the war started. He said 95-97% of the evacuation teams never show up again. They are either shot, or arrested and tortured by the Russians … The guy we met has lost 10 out of 12 people on his team. The few that make it back out alive have horrible stories. The city didn’t have food, public water, or electric for 6 weeks. Some people are drinking mud puddle water and eating dead people in order to stay alive. The Russians are killing civilians by the thousands in that city. They kill indiscriminately without any explanation. Some days they leave the civilians alone and other days they have a slaughter. There are dead bodies littering the streets. If the civilians try to leave they are usually shot by the Russians … In the middle of this there is a spiritual hunger that was not seen here in many years. There are stories of people becoming born again and being baptized.

  • Mission Eurasia has now delivered 18,000+ food packages to needy families in and around Ukraine. Their goal is to reach 50,000 in the next three months. (They could still use your help!) They are now opening a fourth ministry distribution hub in the town of Mukachevo near the Polish border to meet the urgent and growing needs of the shattered people of Ukraine.

Monday, April 4

  • Vitaliy VinogradovAs Russian troops move away from Kyiv, pictures and videos from the hardest hit areas around Ukraine’s Capital are circulating around the world. There are many images of what appears to be civilians tied up and killed in the streets, mass graves, whole communities destroyed. In the wake of this news, we are saddened to hear news that Vitaliy Vinogradov, Dean of one of the seminaries in Kyiv, was among those killed in Buchy. Please keep his far-flung family and friends in your prayers.
  • Daniel, who is working with several teams evacuating people out of dangerous areas, reports: In the last 3 days we went from having plenty of work to a flood of work where we can’t keep after. We are doubling our fleet and bringing more people in. We are getting many requests to do medical transports, so we set up a vehicle with a medical team and sent them out this morning … The dozens of towns and villages that were liberated from the Russians the last several days need support. Many of them didn’t have any food or supplies going in since their area was invaded. Many people have little or no food and the area is finally open to start taking supplies in.
  • Mission Eurasia President Sergey Rakhuba shared a touching story: Lyudmila’s son went to Kyiv to pick up his family three weeks ago, and she hasn’t heard from him since. When she saw people arriving at her house, she thought they brought her bad news about her son. Instead, it was our SWW team who had come to bless her with food and to share God’s love. Lyudmila cried tears of joy for ten minutes, overwhelmed by the gift of food and the encouragement she drew from the compassionate believers.

Friday, April 1

  • Update from Daniel on evacuations: Pray for several of the Ukrainian evacuation teams we have been connected with. One team had 3 guys shot today by the Russians, however they all survived. Another team we are in contact with were shot and killed today. The specific area they have been operating in is probably the most dangerous place in Ukraine to do evacuations. Pray for healing and a breakthrough in this madness…
  • The following images are from the harrowing evacuation described on March 25 through Russian occupied territory:

  • After the destruction of Mission Eurasia’s field headquarters in Ukraine, Russian troops also stormed their nearby warehouse and burned all of the Bibles and Christian literature found within. Even after this tragic setback, the gospel goes forward. Mission Eurasia has now delivered 12,000 life-sustaining “I Care” food boxes with enough food to nourish a family for a week. Now, each of these boxes are also administered with a copy of God’s Word to feed the soul.

Monday, March 28

  • Mission Eurasia Field Headquarters in Irpin, Ukraine (a suburb just outside of Kyiv) was destroyed today. Thankfully, the building was empty at the time of the attack. As far as we know, no Mission Eurasia workers were killed or injured. However, this video does contain images of bodies in the street just outside the building where civilians in the neighborhood perished. WARNING: The following video contains graphic content.

  • Even as their building was destroyed and the crisis worsens, Mission Eurasia continues to provide meal kits and services to survivors in Ukraine and surrounding countries. Just today, we also received news that more than 11,000 meal kits have been distributed to needy families in Ukraine, Poland, and Moldova.

Friday, March 25

  • Daniel (who was on our Haven Today program Thursday) helped organize a mission sending three vans with 1-2 tons of food to a community of civilians behind Russian lines that has been isolated for weeks. After one failed attempt and 13 hours of driving on the second attempt, they made it to their destination and spent the night “several miles off the Russian’s backside.” This morning, they led a 25 vehicle convoy back to safety with approximately 120 people wanting to evacuate. Driving through thick woods and open fields, many vehicles got stuck in the mud in Russian occupied areas, and had to be pushed out repeatedly by hand. We are praising the Lord that they are now out of Russian occupied territory and in a safe place.
  • An estimated 300 people may have been killed in an air strike on a theater in Mariupol where hundreds of people sought refuge. Large painted lettering in front of and behind the large red building read “children.” (report)

Thursday, March 24

    • After hiding for over 20 days, Chernihiv educator heroically cared for 30 children until they were rescued by Ukrainian military. The educator and children safely made it to Ivano-Frankivsk region, where they were met with open arms. Their arrival marked the first time they were able to bathe and change their clothes since the bombing began. It’s been a traumatic and grueling experience for everyone involved, but the educator reports, “We feel at home.”
    • Pastor Sergey with FEBC surveys damage to a shopping mall in Kyiv, and answers a question that is on the minds of many in Ukraine: “What happens if I die?” Hear how Sergey answers this personally, and the advice he is giving others in Ukraine.

Wednesday, March 23

  • In his latest video address, President Zelenskyy said his country was on the brink of survival. Nearly 100,000 people are still stuck in Mariupol under a “complete blockade” and suffering under “inhumane conditions.” Hear an excerpt of President Zelenskyy’s address, here.

  • The decision to leave everything in hopes of finding safety is not made by everyone. Yulia shared with Mission Eurasia about her experience in making the hard decision to leave.

“I remember this one night we were asleep. Then towards the morning we heard sirens going off, then we heard explosions in the distance. I woke up and started praying very hard. Then things became calm. Then I heard the explosions again and started praying very hard again. It was very hard to live through that. My parents stayed. They didn’t want to leave. They are now used to the explosions and all that. I thought about staying with them but I didn’t want to risk the lives of my children.”

Tuesday, March 22

  • Pastor Sergey with FEBC is still in Kyiv, ministering to those who have remained in the city. In this short video he shares how he deals with the fear he feels about choosing to stay.

  • As the war continues, the United Nations reports nearly 10 million have been driven from their homes. This is almost a quarter of Ukraine’s pre-war population. The U.N. has confirmed 953 civilian deaths, but believes the death toll is considerably higher.

Monday, March 21

  • The World Health Organization has reported six additional attacks on health care facilities in Ukraine on Sunday. There have now been 52 verified attacks on health care in the past 25 days since Russia invaded Ukraine.

  • Samaritan’s Purse has now opened their fourth medical clinic in southern Ukraine to aid families fleeing conflict. Along with an additional hospital they are providing nearly 15 tons of essentials to help local Ukrainian hospitals that are experiencing vast resource shortages as a result of the conflict. Learn more at Samaritan’s Purse Ukraine Crisis page.

Friday, March 18

  • The southeastern Ukrainian city, Mariupol has been under heavy attack for several weeks. The deputy mayor of Mariupol says civilians are coming under fire, bodies are being buried in mass graves, and people are running out of food and water. Evacuation is nearly impossible.
  • In Ukraine, the church is heroically stepping up to help people who can’t escape and are hiding from continuous bombing. Mission Eurasia’s staff and local church volunteers are risking their lives to deliver urgently needed food, water, and other relief supplies. So far, they have delivered 9,000 family food packs to trapped families in Ukraine. Find out how you can support this ministry.

Thursday, March 17

  • Three weeks into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, more than three million refugees have made their way out of the country. Charles Morris speaks with evacuees moments after they make it over the border into Poland, along with others who are offering aid.
  • The exodus of people leaving Ukraine has quickly become Europe’s greatest migration since the 1990s. As the war escalates, the number of people fleeing will likely be over five million. According to the Center of Disaster Philanthropy, this could become one of the largest refugee crisis in the world.
  • Brave workers repair a radio tower that was damaged during a military strike. For FEBC broadcasters, it’s critical the hope of Jesus stays on the airwaves in the middle of a war zone. Here’s a look into the life of one of FEBC’s broadcasters.


Wednesday, March 16

  • Less than 200 miles from the Ukrainian border, one of the most significant relics of World War II serves as a reminder of how horrific war can become. While reporting on the Ukrainian refugee crisis, Charles Morris stopped by to get a feel for what others were saying about this new European conflict.

  • The Samaritan’s Purse Emergency Field Hospital in Lviv is open and treating patients. Their nearly 60-bed facility has an ICU, two operating theaters with capacity for dozens of surgeries each day, and an emergency room that can handle 100 patients daily.

Samaritan's Purse Field Hospital in Lviv, Ukraine

  • FEBC’s station in Slavyansk/Kramatorsk was hit with a missile and destroyed, leaving FEBC Ukraine with five remaining FM stations. One staff member, Konstantine, was also injured recently after removing his family to safety. When heading back into Kyiv, he encountered Russian soldiers who opened fire. He escaped with shrapnel injuries in his leg. After two surgeries in Kyiv, he is recovering. The images below show how he narrowly missed the gunfire.

  • How are ordinary Ukrainians who are still in Kyiv able to survive and buy food? Pastor Sergey with FEBC gives us a walk-through of the local supermarket.

Tuesday, March 15

  • The number of people fleeing Ukraine passed 3 million today, according to the International Organization for Migration. Poland is by far receiving the lion’s share of these evacuee families.
  • From her home in Kyiv, Olga made her way to the Ukrainian border in search of safety for her son. Leaving her much of her family behind, she didn’t know where they would end up. Eventually, she made it to a church in Warsaw, Poland, that has become a resettlement hub for refugee families overnight. This is where Charles Morris of Haven Today caught up with Olga to hear her story of survival and hope.

Monday, March 14

  • Following the recent airstrike of a maternity hospital in Mariupol, an image of a pregnant woman being carried off by emergency workers has become a prominent example of the horrors coming out of this war. Rushed to a nearby hospital, efforts to save the lives of both mother and child failed. (AP Report) More than 2,500 people have been killed in Mariupol alone, with humanitarian aid and evacuation passages either impossible or in short supply.
  • Mission Eurasia has moved headquarters to Moldova to continue aid inside and outside of Ukraine. President of the ministry Sergey Rakhuba reports what he saw on a recent border visit. Find out how you can support this ministry here.

Saturday, March 12

  • Pastor Sergey with FEBC Ukraine has remained in his church in Kyiv. Friends from all over the world have stayed in touch. Many are asking, “Pastor Sergey, what have you learned in these days of war?” This short video is Pastor Sergey’s powerful response.

Thursday, March 10

  • Live from Krakow, Poland, Charles Morris and Dan Warne host an impromptu briefing from Ukraine. After spending time speaking with refugees and working with on-the-ground ministries, hear how God is at work, moving in the hearts of refugees and volunteers as the unspeakable happens just a few hundred miles away.

  • After the Russian aircraft bombing of a maternity hospital in southern Ukraine during an agreed ceasefire, preliminary reports say at least 17 people were injured with 3 dead, including a child. The full extent of casualties remains unclear. Deputy Mayor Orlov said at least 1,170 civilians had been killed in the city of Mariupol since the war began.
  • What is it like to be a civilian in one of these areas? This heartbreaking post from a friend of someone connected to Haven Ministries casts a poignant image of what’s now daily life for the many civilians still in Ukraine.

Wednesday, March 9

  • Samaritan’s Purse is nearing completion of an Emergency Field Hospital on the outskirts of Lviv, Ukraine. The field hospital will have two operating rooms, with capacity for 14 major surgeries or 30 minor surgeries per day. There will be nearly 60 total inpatient beds.
  • Mission Eurasia has mobilized Christians from local churches to meet the needs of refugees outside of Ukraine, as well as people who are targets of aggression inside the country. ⁣⁣

Tuesday, March 8

  • Nearly two weeks into Russia’s war with Ukraine and two million people have crossed the border into surrounding countries. Here, Charles Morris catches up with one of these families just moments after they arrived on Polish soil. A mother and her three sons on their way to stay with a Polish friend. The children’s father still in Kyiv helping with the war efforts.

Monday, March 7

  • After two failed ceasefires, Russia agrees to open corridors in several Ukraine cities – to Russia or its close ally Belarus. Staggering rates of well over 100,000 refugees are exiting the country every day, further congesting border areas and increasing the toll on neighboring countries in what will likely be a long term crisis.
  • There is a small percentage of evangelical Christians in Poland, but many churches have joined the humanitarian effort in neighboring countries are mobilizing efforts to find food and housing for families entering their cities.
  • As the crisis accelerates, Charles Morris arrives at Ukraine’s border to meet with volunteers, many of whom from churches and Christian aid organizations, and displaced families just arriving in Poland.

Friday, March 4

  • Russia seizes largest nuclear power plant in Europe, causing global concern after a five-story building adjacent to the facility caught on fire. This plant provides over 1/5 of the power for all of Ukraine.

Thursday, March 3

  • As the battle intensifies, the UNHCR reports Ukrainian refugee count tops 1 million.

Wednesday, March 2

  • As of March 1, at least 677,243 people have fled Ukraine to neighboring countries since Russian forces invaded on Feb. 24, according to the United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR. Here, Haven’s ministry partner John Peays with Water Mission visits one of the checkpoints in Poland where many of the newly displaced families are continuing to filter in with only the possessions they can carry.

Tuesday, March 1

  • As a convoy of troops and artillery 40 miles long draws nearer to Kyiv, the main square in Kharkiv (Ukraine’s second-largest city) was struck hard by air assault. As Ukraine’s outgunned military slows Russian progress, hundreds of thousands of civilians are hunkering throughout the capitol’s subway system.

Monday, February 28

  • Igor, along with his wife and two kids, have been sleeping in a bomb shelter in Kyiv for the past three nights. Here, he gives an update on what’s been going on around them, how they have seen God at work in their neighborhood, and how you can keep them all in your prayers.

Friday, February 25

  • Sergey Nakul, pastor and senior broadcaster with FEBC Ukraine, reports from the site of a recent air strike at a civilian apartment building in Kyiv.

  • With Russian forces closing in and even beginning to occupy portions of Ukraine’s capital, Kyiv has banned fighting-aged men from leaving the country, undoubtedly separating many families into the category of soldier or refugee. Mostly women and children have been seen fleeing the country.
  • As of this morning, more than 200 attacks and explosions have been reported across the country. Here is a map to better understand the locations attacked. (view source here)

Thursday, February 24

  • Russian President Vladimir Putin authorizes military action, launching a “massed assault by land, sea and air, the biggest attack by one state against another in Europe since World War Two.” (Read the full report)
  • FEBC-Ukraine broadcaster Igor gives a brief update on the escalating conflict in his country. As his wife, Emma, translates, it’s not difficult to get a sense of the raw fear running through the hearts and minds of everyone in harm’s way.

  • Rev. Sergey Nakul, a pastor in Kyiv and host of a Bible program on FEBC-Ukraine, recently told us there had been an explosion near his church. Immediately following, his six-year-old son asked, “Daddy, what are these scary noises.” Here he speaks about what is happening, how they are coping, and ways you can pray as they continue to broadcast as war unfolds for them and their listeners.

Please keep checking on this page regularly for specific ways you can pray as the Europe’s largest conflict in 75 years continues to unfold.

Will Russian troops invade Ukraine? Or will they pull back? Are we on the verge of a great war in Eastern Europe? Or are tensions beginning to cool? Only time will tell. But one thing remains certain … Christians on both sides of the border are praying for peace — and for each other — as they hold strong to the gospel.

On today’s episode of the Great Stories podcast, Charles Morris speaks with two FEBC broadcasters, one in Ukraine and the other in Russia. As you continue to hear news and updates of what seems like imminent war in Eastern Europe, this conversation will help you remember the millions of Christians stuck in the middle as their countries verge on the brink of large-scale conflict.

More on Russia & Ukraine

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