Where is Jesus when you need Him most? Whether it’s a chronic condition or a tragic accident, even believers find themselves ill-equipped to handle the myriad of afflictions that often catch us by surprise. That’s why it’s so important to learn now from those who have come before us, people like Joni Eareckson Tada who discovered just how essential it is to practice daily closeness with Christ.
“Suffering has a way of heaving you beyond the shallows of life where your faith tends to feel ankle-deep. It casts you out into the fathomless depths of God, a place where Jesus is the only One who can touch bottom.” —Joni Eareckson Tada, The Practice of the Presence of Jesus
In this conversation with Charles Morris and David Wollen, Joni discusses the many ways she experiences the presence of Jesus in her own daily life—even when overwhelmed with pain and fatigue. Whatever you may be going through right now, we pray this conversation will help you discover new ways to experience Christ daily, even when He seems far away.
More from Joni Eareckson Tada
- Make your gift to Haven Ministries to receive a copy of Joni’s new book The Practice of the Presence of Jesus.
- Watch a concise clip from this interview of Joni sharing how suffering is a necessary part of the Christian journey of knowing Jesus.
- Listen to the full radio series that originally featured segments of this interview on Haven Today.
- This isn’t the first time we’ve had Joni Eareckson Tada on the podcast. Click here to listen in to our conversation with her in 2022 about how she sings hymns to help her get through hard times.
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