
Summer 2022 has been marked by record inflation, intolerable gas prices, and the question of whether or not the US economy is in a recession. With so much uncertainty surrounding finances, this is a good time for Christians to consider their relationship with Jesus and money.

This week’s episode of the Great Stories Podcast returns to a 2012 conversation where Charles Morris asked Bible scholar and Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary Dr. Ben Witherington III some hard-to-face questions about money. Questions like: 

  • What should a Christian do with his or her money?
  • What does the Bible say about tithing?
  • What are the myths that Christians believe about money?

Whether you have immense wealth or meager means, we pray this conversation will be a great way for you to consider how Jesus would want you to relate to your income, possessions, and the things of this world that moth and rust destroy.

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As 2023 came to a close, 2024 began with new promises and possibilities. These first few weeks of a new year mark a time when many of us reevaluate the way we did things in the past in order to change and make life better in the future.

It should come as no surprise that the most common New Year’s resolutions are to lose weight, read more, watch less, or simply become a more pleasant person. All of these are good aspirations, but it’s hard to find the perfect goal that you can stick with till the end. Instead, this list of resources are here to help promote practices that will benefit your body, mind, and soul.

However you choose to carry out the new year, it is our prayer that you will draw nearer to Jesus in 2024.

1. Read Through the Bible

Even though most Christians desire to read God’s Word all the way through, most of us simply haven’t been able to do it. The Haven Original book, Christ in All the Scriptures: Reading and Praying Through the Bible in a Year, is designed to help you do just that. It’s an easy‑to‑navigate, hardback book that contains overviews of each book in the Bible and prayers centered on each reading. We would like to challenge you to make 2024 the year you read and pray through God’s Word — and this book will help you do just that, all while finding Jesus on every page of your Bible.

2. Memorize Scripture

Many of us have tried to memorize short Bible verses in Sunday school, but this ambition usually isn’t prevalent among adults. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you,” and Paul also writes in Colossians 3:16 to “let the word of Christ dwell in us richly.”

To help you memorize portions of God’s Word, we recommend you listen to this podcast with Aaron House on how to memorize Scripture simply and effectively. You can also get a copy of his book on the topic here.

3. Pray More Consistently

Many of us pray at night as we fall asleep or when we need an immediate helping hand, but God desires that we continually communicate with Him. The trouble is, we so seldom do it.

Sherry Harney wrote a remarkable book on how to make continuous prayer a natural part of our lives rather than something on our daily spiritual checklist. Praying with Eyes Wide Open is a resource for anyone who wants to better understand what prayer is and why we need to do it continually.

4. Take Care of Body & Soul

This wouldn’t be a “New Year’s Day” post if we didn’t have one category on improving our health. But this topic is much more significant than looking better and feeling more energetic. When we take care of our bodies, we are being good stewards of the way we live and serve Christ in this world. Read about the practice of replacing your unhealthy cravings for certain foods with a healthy craving for God with Lysa TerKeurst’s bestselling book Made to Crave. Or simply follow your favorite blog or eating/workout plan to live healthier the life God has given you.

5. Take Care of Your Money

It is no secret that the Bible has a lot to say about how we use the very thing we often feel we can’t get enough of. But that’s the thing–there is always room for us to better handle how we look at the money we earn and what to do with it once we have it.

Dr. Ben Witherington is a New Testament scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary, and he’s paid close attention to what Jesus said and didn’t say about money. Here’s an interview with Dr. Witherington on the topic with links to help you use your money in the coming year the way Jesus would want you to use it. Here’s his book.

What should a Christian do with his or her money? What does the Bible say about tithing? What are the myths that Christians believe about money? This week, Haven Today has been talking with Dr. Ben Witherington and asking him some hard-to-face questions about money.

A New Testament scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, Witherington goes all the way back to the beginning of creation in Genesis to start uncovering what God has said about money in his book, “Jesus and Money: A Guide for Times of Financial Crisis” (Brazos Press, 2012). As he writes:

“There is an important corollary that comes with the notion that
God created all things, and made them all good. That corollary is that
all things ultimately belong to God.”

I don’t know about you, but this is hard for me to swallow, even though I know it’s true. Can’t I just go spend my money on whatever pleases me? Witherington’s conclusions are hard to dismiss, easy to convict, and will drive you to ask Jesus what he would have you do with the resources he has entrusted to you.

And if you’re enjoying this week’s series, don’t miss the last two series that Witherington did for us at Haven:

And tell us what you think! What are you struggling with when it comes to money?