
MAY 2, 2022 — Politico released a leaked draft opinion that gave an unprecedented preview of what is likely the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. This would have major implications in every state. But even as the law of the land concerning abortion is on the brink of change, what about the hearts those who support it?

On today’s episode, Charles Morris shares an interview he did in 2019 with Carey Solomon, Chuck Konzelman, and Chris Jones, the filmmakers behind the hit movie “Unplanned.” It tells Abby Johnson’s story of how she went from the youngest Planned Parenthood director in the country to an ardent pro-life advocate. But even as the movie was gearing up for release, the project was hit with an R rating by the Motion Picture Association that the filmmakers say was an unfair attempt to keep the movie from reaching a wide audience. Find out how the Lord used this to reach many more people.

As a bonus, you’ll also hear a short interview with the real Abby Johnson. The movie about her life story has given her a unique platform to help women and children all over the world.

More About Unplanned

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Originally published on Her&Hymn, written by Dale Chamberlain on January 31, 2019.

If you pay attention to the news (or even just your newsfeed), then you probably know that a recent measure in the New York State Senate has sent shockwaves throughout the nation. The bill expands access to abortion.

This conversation is always accompanied by very strong emotions–and rightfully so. What we’re talking about is the fundamental right to life.

If you are a follower of Jesus, the heart of our concern in this conversation is the preservation and protection of someone who has been created in the image of God. The endangerment of these precious little lives strikes us at our core.

This is also a conversation we’ve been having for a very long time. The Roe v. Wade decision was handed down in 1973–long before I was born.

But this conversation began long before then. In the Ancient Near East, farmers and shepherds sacrificed their infant children on the altar of a god called Molek in exchange for the promise of abundance. In the Roman Empire, citizens could simply abandon their unwanted children–leaving them outside for dead, along with the financial burden they brought to their parents. Today, reproductive health care sites help parents abort their children before they are born.

Nevertheless, there have also always been people who have seen the innate dignity of these precious children and have fought for their lives. This is a mindset that comes from God.

We want to be part of a movement of people who value and protect all human life. But if we want to see such a movement thrive in our generation, we’re going to need to be very thoughtful and very prayerful about how we engage this conversation. We’re not interested in simply sharing outrage on the subject. This isn’t just a topic of debate. It’s a matter of life and death.

So how do we engage in the abortion conversation in a way that’s helpful? If you’re like me, you never want another baby to be aborted again. But how can we enter into this conversation in a way that applies our passion and emotion in a way that effects change?

Here are 6 thoughts for how we should approach the abortion conversation.


Listen, there is no room for ambiguity here. Elective abortion is wrong. The life that grows in the womb is a human life. Humans are made in the image of God. A person is a person regardless of whether their presence is wanted or not. Needlessly taking that life is wrong.

This is not a point on which we can compromise. There is no room for equivocation.

There also isn’t any room for being casual about the issue. Lives are literally at stake. We shouldn’t be okay with that.


At the same time, we need to make sure that our conviction is tempered with a sense of brokenness. Too often, our passion for a Pro-Life stance is tempered by something entirely different–self-righteousness.
When Jesus saw the spiritual decay and wrongdoing in Jerusalem, a city that he loved very much, his response was not to puff himself up with how spiritually vibrant and morally upright he himself was. (Even though no one on earth was more spiritually and morally pure than Jesus.)

No. Jesus wept over the city. He mourned over the city. He lamented and prayed for them.

Let’s take a cue from Jesus. Before we raise our voices and wag our fingers, let’s take some time to mourn. Mourn with a sense of love and longing for the spiritual wholeness even of those who are perpetrating evil.

We need to make sure our Pro-Life conviction is tempered with a sense of brokenness, not self-righteousness.


It’s really easy to judge people for the sins that you yourself don’t struggle with. Maybe you would never even think of you or your spouse having an abortion. And so you think that this gives you the right to judge a young woman who may be considering it. To stand over her. To think of her as a lesser person.
But we need to remember one thing. “But for the grace of God, so go I.”

If God has blessed you with the spiritual knowledge and resolute conviction to preserve these lives, remember this: that knowledge and conviction came from God. You didn’t deserve it. But by God’s grace you received it as a gift from the Holy Spirit.

We need to remember one thing. ‘But for the grace of God, so go I.’


It’s also easy to be Pro-Life when you have no skin in the game. I don’t mean for that to sound harsh, but it’s the reality.

It’s easy to tell a young, single, pregnant woman who is living in poverty and has no education or family support system that she should be Pro-Life. It’s harder to do something to help care for and love that life once it has left the womb.

By being involved in the lives of young women who are considering abortion, we can invite Jesus to work through us to save those children’s lives. Not through judgment, or threats, or a wagging finger. But through love. Through generosity. Through personal sacrifice that defends and cares for a life both in the womb and outside the womb.

We might think that it’s not really our responsibility to personally help young women with their infant children. We weren’t the ones who made bad choices and got ourselves into this mess!

But if we really want to make a lasting impact for the pro-life movement–and far more importantly, the Jesus movement–this is the kind of generosity that is required of us. We can’t change the direction of an entire culture from the sidelines.

We can’t change the direction of an entire culture from the sidelines.


An abortion has more than one victim. The mother often suffers greatly. We need to care deeply for the children who are lost through abortion. We need to also care deeply about the mothers who have been deeply wounded by abortion.

The Church needs to be a place where these mothers can receive grace and compassion without judgement. Where they can experience God’s forgiveness. Where they can mourn the loss of their child in community. Where they can feel the support of other broken people who are looking toward Jesus.

Instead of villainizing women who have had abortions, we need to receive them with the same open arms with which Jesus received us. When Jesus died on the cross, he died for every sin. Every sin. Even abortion. And when we give our lives to Jesus, there is no condemnation for us.

This is the message that women desperately need to hear. May it be the message we share.

When Jesus died on the cross, he died for every sin. Even abortion.


All of this can leave us feeling discouraged. This is such a monumental task, and it can sometimes feel like the world is against us. But our outlook must still be hopeful.

The hard truth is this: we won’t be able to save every infant child. But with God’s help, we can preserve the lives of some. Far more lives may be saved than if we don’t do anything.

We need also to trust that Jesus is caring for the souls of those little ones we lose.

This can feel like a tall task. But we are not left to despair. The good news of Jesus has power. Revival is possible. As we proclaim the goodness of Jesus, hearts can change. Lives can change. Society can change. Rome, a place that once exposed its children and left them for dead, eventually became an epicenter of Christian faith and virtue.

But the only way that we can see systemic change on a mass scale is if the hearts of many are transformed by Jesus.

So proclaiming Jesus is our chief concern. Because Jesus has the power to change things.

Jesus has the power to make the impossible possible. The second we stop believing that is the second we lose this battle.

We work toward a future that sees God’s will done on earth as it is in heaven. And by God’s grace we can see something more beautiful tomorrow than we see today.

Dale Chamberlain originally began pursuing a career in the field of psychology before he felt God’s calling into pastoral ministry. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Cal Poly Pomona before pursuing a Master of Divinity at Talbot. Dale discovered his passion for preaching, teaching, and wrestling with the big questions of life and faith.

Originally published on Her&Hymn, written by Dale Chamberlain on January 31, 2019.



All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. She believed in a woman’s right to choose, and as one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days for Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life advocates in America.

Abortion is back in the news. In the 1980’s rallies for both the “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” positions were often featured on the nightly news. The issue was debated by prominent figures, and candidates from all political parties were defined by their stance on the subject. But in the last decade or two, the national dialogue grew quiet. This doesn’t mean the issue went away. It just means that many news “gatekeepers” chose not to talk about it anymore.

At the heart of the issue is how you define a child. What age is a child’s life protected under our laws? When does the unborn fetus have rights? Is it at conception? Is it at 20 weeks? Is it upon birth?

Thanks to several undercover videos released in the last few weeks, the topic is openly being discussed once again. These videos seem to show Planned Parenthood leadership negotiating the sale of aborted fetuses to biological researchers. Planned Parenthood has argued that these videos are “heavily” edited and misleading, despite the fact that the Center for Medical Progress released the full-length videos online.

Even if Planned Parenthood isn’t doing anything illegal, the reality is that the procedure of abortion has once again been brought out into the open. As Christians, we now have a unique opportunity to speak truth into this conversation.

The value of a human life does not come from a constitution or a law. The Bible clearly says that our value comes from the fact that “God created mankind in his own image” (Genesis 1:27). God has marked mankind as the most unique of all His creation. And the most precious of God’s gifts to humanity is the ability to communicate and know Him personally.

Since the fall of Adam and Eve, this communion has been severed (Genesis 3), but the brokenness of humanity could never strip away our image bearing qualities. We are still a reflection of the One who created us, yet our personal choices no longer want to bring glory to God, but rather to ourselves. Everything we do with our God-given abilities is tainted by sin. We exchanged God’s glory for our own (Romans 1:21-23).

But even in this state, the Bible says, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). God still saw value in His original creation (Ephesians 1:4). He still had a plan to save humans from their rebellion (Matthew 1:21). Christ’s death demonstrates the love and value He had for His “sheep” (John 10:15).

Today we have the opportunity to speak with people about the value of human life and thus share the good news of Jesus Christ. Our value does not come from a government declaring what is and is not valuable. It is found only through the eyes of God. And it is this value that should motivate us to protect all humans from atrocious crimes (Micah 6:8).

Obviously, the subject of abortion is gigantic. There are many issues that would need to be addressed if abortion was made illegal. Who will be there to support women with unwanted pregnancies? How should we advocate adoption? How will we help women who have already had abortions find forgiveness in Jesus Christ? These issues can and should be addressed, but that doesn’t mean we stand by and watch little human lives be destroyed because the alternative is challenging.

The 19th century British abolitionist William Wilberforce once said, “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.” He was referring to the tragedy of human trafficking and slavery. Wilberforce, who was a committed Christian, worked hard to show the value those human slaves inherently possessed. Eventually, due to his leadership, the United Kingdom did away with slavery forever, despite the arguments about what the country would do if slaves were freed.

So what should we do as Christians?

We need to seek God first and ask Him to show us how to be light in a dark world. The Bible clearly explains that the human mind is blinded by the devil. And the Apostle Paul shows us how to talk with anyone who opposes truth. He lovingly challenges Christians to “not be quarrelsome,” but rather to be “kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Opponents must be gently instructed, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will” (2 Timothy 2:24-26).

As we talk about abortion with our neighbors, may we prayerfully heed Paul’s godly advice and ask the Lord to fill us with grace and mercy – especially with those who support abortion. May we faithfully proclaim salvation through the name of Jesus as we seek to bring truth and justice to our society. Only when we see humanity’s innate value based on God’s image within us will our society see the true tragedy of abortion.

Troy Lamberth is the executive producer of HAVEN Today. On the side, he teaches film at Providence Christian College, produces documentaries, and often teaches at his church. He enjoys discovering how Jesus is involved in all aspects of our lives—from faith to film to family—and how our relationship with him shapes the way we live. He and his wife Melissa have three young children.




All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. She believed in a woman’s right to choose, and as one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days for Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life advocates in America.

Marci Ferrell has never spoken publicly about having an abortion when she was 18 until this week on the radio program HAVEN Today. Her story comes in contrast with Jenny Kutner, an editor on feminism at Salon, who posted an article last week about getting ready for her abortion. Jenny ends by saying that her only concern is that she gets her birth control right next time. With that in mind, may the Lord minister to you through Marci’s story.
Charles Morris – HAVEN Ministries
When I was 18 I had an abortion. I was unmarried, living with relatives, and I thought having a baby at this time would just add to the problems I already had. I was leading a rebellious life and not living at home. I couldn’t imagine sharing this with the family I was living with, so I took matters into my own hands.

That day was the ugliest day of my life. It hurt so much and it was extremely difficult to come home unable to share what I had been through with anyone. There was much time spent alone in my room crying with no one to turn to for help. There hasn’t been a day in my life that I don’t think about that little baby whose life I took.

Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.”

We are all created and designed by a wonderful God, and the same is true of every child in the womb. No one is a mistake and no baby is an accident.

Several years later I found myself in the same situation, pregnant and unmarried. This time I was determined to keep the baby. I had not healed from my first aborted pregnancy and couldn’t imagine going through that kind of pain and guilt again. I told the father that he didn’t have to marry me or help with the baby, that I would take care of this little one on my own instead.

Charles Morris asks, “What motivates you to try and talk young women out of having abortions today?” Taken from Marci’s full interview on HAVEN Today.

To my surprise, Doug wanted to get married and raise the baby with me. After 27 years I still find myself growing more and more in love with my Doug everyday. And we have been blessed with two beautiful children, a boy and a girl.

Doug’s parents were Christians, so we had heard the gospel a lot from his side of the family. As I look back, I can see the Lord drawing us to Him. I started attending a small neighborhood church that wasn’t preaching the gospel, and I assumed that I would go to heaven because I was being a good person.

I did not have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

But then I met Trena while exercising and she invited me back to her home for coffee. She loves to talk about Jesus and when she shared with me about the work of the Lord in her life, she helped me understand that I was missing something. I was religious but I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus like Trena did.

I was missing Jesus.

I took the kids to Trena’s church that Sunday (Doug stayed home), and I was led to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. For the first time I realized I was a sinner against a holy and righteous God. I understood that God is perfect and will punish sin. But God is also rich in mercy and sent His perfect Son, Jesus Christ, to die as a substitute and ransom for rebellious sinners. Jesus willingly died on the cross and took the punishment for my sin, so that through my repentance and faith in Him I was saved from the wrath to come.

What a glorious moment when my eyes were opened to the free gift of salvation through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ! The Lord saved Doug later that week and I cannot even express to you the changes that happened in such a short amount of time in our home. There was a celebration with Doug’s family and with our new family of believers.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

Life is a gift and it is precious. Since I have come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ I have come to know that I am truly forgiven for the choice I made to abort my first baby. There is so much freedom and forgiveness found at the cross when we confess our sins in humble repentance to the Lord and know that He offers us forgiveness and grace, even when we don’t deserve it.

Marci Ferrell is a wife, mother, grandmother, and blogger of “Thankful Homemaker.” You can read her full testimony on her website.



All Abby Johnson ever wanted to do was help women. She believed in a woman’s right to choose, and as one of the youngest Planned Parenthood clinic directors in the nation, she was involved in upwards of 22,000 abortions. Until the day she saw something that changed everything, leading Abby Johnson to join her former enemies at 40 Days for Life, and become one of the most ardent pro-life advocates in America.