child and parents
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6 Simple Ways to Lead Your Child to Jesus

Rarely do spiritual conversations with your child go the way you envision, especially when they are little! This is one I wrote down several years ago when my daughter was…
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Praying That God Will Watch Over My Child

This post first appeared on The Good Book blog; used with permission. The following piece is an extract from 5 Things to Pray for Your Kids by Melissa Kruger. In the…
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How to Read the Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in 90 days, from Genesis to Revelation, in just 3 months is easier than you might think. But it’s also a commitment. To help you confidently complete…
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Memorizing Scripture: 12 Simple Steps

When was the last time you tried to memorize Scripture? The Bible teaches that there is value in hiding God’s Word in our hearts, but it’s an undertaking many of…
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How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

The Bible is not the easiest book to read. In fact, it can be extremely difficult for someone new to its contents. For example, if we read, “‘For I know…
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10 Bible Verses For Dads

Fathers are a gift from God. Not only do they give us life and wisdom, but Dads are the ones who give us a glimpse of our eternal Father in…
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3 Benefits for Memorizing God's Word

Janet Pope has been memorizing scripture for decades. In this video she shares how the pursuit of memorizing entire books of Scripture has changed her life, and how this practice…
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10 Scripture Verses for a Fresh Start

It’s still January, right? Keep hanging on to those resolutions, whether you’re looking to lose weight or to read the Bible in a year. And we’ve got one more for…
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One Pastor’s Secret Strategy for Bible Reading

You’d think that because I’m a pastor, reading the Bible regularly would be easy. And by reading, I don’t mean studying, which I do every week for the morning and…
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Tips for Showing Hospitality to Muslims

As we near the end of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting, many of us may be thinking more about our Muslim neighbors and how we can share with them…
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