stressed mother in the kitchen with her children
Blog Post

Finding Hope in the Middle of Depression with Christine Chappell

Recent polls show that nearly a third living in the United States today are struggling with depression. This doesn’t account for those suffering silently. Surely the number is even higher.…
God Walks with Hopeless Mothers blog
Blog Post

How God Brings Hope to Hopeless Mothers

This coming Sunday, May 12th, mothers in America will be celebrated and honored. According to Hallmark, 113 million Mother’s Day cards are sent annually. Perhaps some moms will receive homemade…
Blog Post

Praying That God Will Watch Over My Child

This post first appeared on The Good Book blog; used with permission. The following piece is an extract from 5 Things to Pray for Your Kids by Melissa Kruger. In the…
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Speaking Truth Into the Abortion Debate

Abortion is back in the news. In the 1980’s rallies for both the “Pro-Life” and “Pro-Choice” positions were often featured on the nightly news. The issue was debated by prominent…
Blog Post

Why Motherhood Is Only For the Faint at Heart

When a tornado hit a small town in Arkansas last week, one mother lost everything. Her house, her things—and her two, sweet little boys. While weeping in the hospital with…
Blog Post

Every Mother Has Her Hands Full

Gloria Furman is a wife, mother of four young childen, doula, and blogger. Below is an excerpt from her second book, Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms,…
Blog Post

Ann Voskamp's Gift to Her Mother

Mother’s Day is approaching. Maybe you know this because of all of the TV ads telling you to hurry up and buy your mom a gift. Ann Voskamp shares with…
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A Single Mom at Christmas

I didn’t plan on being a single mom at Christmas. Last year at this time, my husband and I were celebrating closing on our first house, a small townhouse in…
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Glimpses of Grace for Weary Mothers

Maybe on the good days of mothering, you wake up and the sun is shining. It’s easy to praise God for hot coffee, morning smiles from the crib, and a…
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The Truth About Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is the day that my kids will smother me with the cards and crafts they have made that read “#1 MOM” or “Mom of the Year.” And while…
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