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Week 8: The Promised Hope

“How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?” (Psalm 13:2). This week we are solidly in the prophetic section of the Old Testament as we read the end of…
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Week 9: Great Is Your Faithfulness

With week eight completed, you are now more than two-thirds of your way through the Bible! The readings for the coming week are fascinating. All of the prophecies are forward-looking.…
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Week 10: God of Judgment and Mercy

Welcome to week 10! You are now about to crest the hill and enter into the New Testament. Take a moment and look at what you’ve accomplished so far. You’ve…
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Week 11: The Great Story Unfolds

In some ways The Bible in 90 Days is a sprint, but in other ways it’s a marathon. The good news is … you just turned the last corner and…
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Week 12: Thy Kingdom Come

You have read more than 1000 chapters of Scripture! God’s plan to save His people has come to pass with the coming of Christ. And the story did not here.…
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Week 13: Growing In Christ

Only one week left! Throughout the last 12 weeks surely there have been times when the finish line seemed impossible to reach. But here you are in the home stretch.…
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