“‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’ At once they left their nets and followed him.”

Matthew 4:19-20
In the world of sports, recruitment is about finding precisely the right athlete, player, or competitor. It’s about welcoming someone to the crew before he or she has made an actual contribution to the team. The crucial point is when the recruit accepts the deal and commits. And how exciting it is! It’s the start of something new with a whole world of blessings and challenges awaiting both player and team. 

Jesus recruited the disciples in a sense. He called them to become a part of something that was beyond themselves and would have an eternal impact. While sports recruiters will use spectacular contract packages to lure the right players, Jesus’ appeal to those first disciples was rather simple, and it certainly didn’t come with a million-dollar cash payout. 

He beckons to each of us, “Come, follow me. Leave behind your sin, shame, and regret. Instead, experience the fullness of life that I offer. You’ll find rest for your souls and a love that is pure and refreshing.” Once we join God’s team, we can share God’s work in our lives to recruit others.


Jared M. Matthews 

Jared Matthews is a University of Wisconsin graduate and, Lord willing, by the time of this publication will have graduated from Liberty University in Virginia with a master’s degree in Christian Ministry. Jared has been a camp counselor at a Christian ranch in Texas; an intern at a Bible school in Estes Park, Colorado; and a student at a bilingual Bible school in Costa Rica. Currently, he is involved with the youth program at his church in the Milwaukee area and teaches Sunday school to middle school students. His favorite pastimes are playing ultimate frisbee, reading, hiking, canoeing, and roasting his own coffee.

Scripture Focus

Luke 5:1-11


“Christianity does not start with an invitation we offer to Jesus, but with an invitation Jesus offers to us.” (David Platt, 2013)

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 14-15
  • Proverbs 31
  • Revelation 18-19

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