“Then he said to them all: ‘If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.’”

Luke 9:23
Did I want to go out and practice on a 40-degree, windy, rainy day? No, I did not. But my team’s captains announced that we would still have practice outside. Although I wanted to stay warm and dry, I knew I had made a commitment to the ultimate frisbee team and my teammates. In any sport—as well as in the rest of life— commitment is essential for a team to exist and accomplish its goals. 

Typically, when we make a commitment to a thing or a person, something will challenge that pledge. I’ve found this particularly true in my walk with the Lord. The devil is opposed to God, and he relentlessly incites Christians to retract our faith in God’s character or His promises to us. 

Just as Jesus was tempted, we too will be tempted to give up on our hope. When our commitment is tested, we remember that God is our rock and our salvation. Our focus on Christ will allow us to look past the momentary struggles and maintain our devotion to the Lord. Temptations will still come, but our trust and confidence are that our Savior will carry us through. 

Scripture Focus

Luke 14:25-33


Commitment to Christ keeps us anchored to Jesus, even through life’s hardships and challenges.

Bible In A Year

  • 1 Chronicles 18-19
  • Psalm 2
  • Matthew 1-2

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