Ep. 1 – Some would say John Bunyan was immortalized through his classic book “Pilgrim’s Progress.” But for this man of God, everlasting life could only be found in one place . . . his faith in Jesus Christ.

Ep. 2 – Why is grace such a hard gift to receive? Perhaps it’s because it exposes our pride and self-sufficiency? But only when we die to ourselves can we see the true beauty of grace.

Ep. 3 – Is it possible to be religious but lost? Jesus says you can. It is not how many good things we do that saves us, but rather trusting in the complete work of Christ the Savior.
Ep. 4 – John Bunyan thought he was living a good life until he overhead a conversation among friends. The words he heard would change his life forever.
Ep. 5 – Pilgrim’s Progress has been translated in over 200 languages and has never gone out of print. But have you ever wondered what led to John Bunyan’s understanding of grace?

Ep. 1 – True Immortality
November 22, 2021
Ep. 2 – The True Beauty of Grace
November 23, 2021
Ep. 3 – Never Good Enough
November 24, 2021
Ep. 4 – Grace Upon Grace
November 25, 2021
Ep. 5 – How Grace Changed John Bunyan
November 26, 2021




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