

Cuba Broadcast

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with El Faro de Redención? Your generous gifts and prayers reach all of Cuba with a message that is all about Jesus.

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Danny Rojas on the Current State of Christianity in Cuba

Nearly one million people have fled Cuba since 2022, leading to a population drop of about 10%. The technical term for this is "demographic depletion" and it's a catastrophic hit to those left behind ...

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God Is on the Move in Cuba

There is a touching moment in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis where one of the characters says, “They say Aslan is on the move—perhaps has already landed.” When the others he ...

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A Look Inside Haven's Cuba Broadcast

Cuba may just be 90 miles off the coast of Florida but it might as well have been on the moon during the pandemic — it was physically unreachable by our team in the United States. And yet the Lord s ...

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A Great Commission Crisis?

When Jesus gave the Great Commission to his disciples, what do you think those young men were thinking? “Disciples of ALL nations? Is that really feasible for a bunch of outcasts like us?” What ...

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Danny Rojas on Becoming the New Director & Speaker of El Faro de Redención

Born in Miami shortly after his parents fled Cuba during Fidel Castro’s revolution, Danny Rojas is a Christ follower with a heart for the Cuban Church. Today, he is now the director and speaker of H ...

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