Peace Child: The Rest of the Story

50 years after Don and Carol Richardson arrived in the Sawi village where Peace Child takes place, Steve Richardson joined his father and two brothers, Shannon and Paul, to see how Christ is still at work.

Peace Child (DVD)

Peace Child DVD

Peace Child (DVD) is an extraordinary true missions story that shows how the Gospel can transform lives, even in one of the darkest settings imaginable.

Don and Carol Richardson responded to the call of Christ and traveled to a remote rain forest inhabited by some of the world’s most hard-to-reach people. They lived among them and learned the language, only to be shocked when the story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus made him a hero to a people whose highest attribute was to be masters of treachery.

When inter-tribal warfare broke out, the battles continued until a warring chief offered his son as a means of bringing lasting peace. “As long as they child lives,” the chief explained, “there will be no more fighting.” After many failed attempts, this is what the Lord used to allow the Gospel to take root.

Part documentary, part reenactment—Peace Child is a classic true missions story that will show you how the Lord conspires to bring all people to Christ. 

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