“Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?”

James 2:5
The Lord’s bride, His church, is to be humble and not conceited. James communicates that God makes spiritually rich those who are poor. They rely heavily on the Lord for their needs and by faith anticipate His ongoing provision. “But you have insulted the poor,” James writes (v. 6), devaluing and dismissing them. 

In the 1930s in Los Angeles, an alcoholic was kicked out by his wife. He had hit rock bottom. He showed up at a church one Sunday morning, disheveled and distraught, but was turned away because of his appearance. He returned to his run-down hotel room where he opened a Gideon Bible. Reading the Scriptures, he found Jesus! Despite the church’s rejection, the Lord met him where he was and began a transformative work in his life. That man, Paul Myers, became the founder of Haven of Rest Ministries, now Haven Today! 

The way we treat not only the poor, but also all who are vulnerable, reveals our hearts. What people need most might not be a donation. Respect them for their value as God-created persons of worth, knowing what they need is Jesus.

Scripture Focus

James 2:1-6


Our Savior “lifts the needy from the ash heap;he seats them with princes and has them inherits throne of honor” (1 Samuel 2:8).

Bible In A Year

  • Ecclesiastes 11-12
  • Psalm 68
  • John 8