
The book of Revelation opens with a promise of blessing to those who hear and read its contents. This is just as true today as it was when it was first written to early believers in Christ.

John, the youngest disciple, wrote Revelation in the latter part of the first century while exiled to the Island of Patmos. As the final disciple to survive the persecution coming from Rome, he was writing to the surrounding churches as a way to encourage them, assuring them that their suffering was not in vain.

The message of Revelation is simple: persevere and anticipate the second coming of Christ.

That’s the bird’s eye view, but there are several little-known truths that many overlook when flipping through the Bible’s final letter. Here are 7 amazing facts about Revelation that you may not have noticed before:

1. A human title for Jesus Christ is never used in Revelation.
When John writes about Jesus in the final book of Scripture, he doesn’t use terms like Rabbi, teacher, prophet, or many other titles found in the New Testament. Instead, John focuses on Christ’s divinity. He uses titles such as Prince of the Kings of the Earth, Alpha and Omega, Son of God, and King of Kings.

2. Jesus is called Lord 23 Times in Revelation.
In the Old Testament, “Lord” was a title reserved only for Yahweh. In Revelation this high designation is used interchangeably with God and Christ.

3. A more literal translation for Revelation in the Greek is “unveiling.”
To reveal means to make an unknown secret known to others. To unveil means to draw back the curtain on something, as is often done in a public event or announcement. When John wrote Revelation, he wasn’t letting us in on a secret—he was giving us a glimpse of what’s to come.

4. Jesus is referred to as a lamb 28 times, but He is also portrayed as a lion.
Many of us have heard the words, “worthy is the lamb who was slain,” but that same lamb is also called the “Lion of Judah.”

5. Revelation is all about Christnot the antichrist.
The word antichrist is only found in 1 and 2 John. The book of Revelation refers only to the spirit of the antichrist and antichrists. The point is not to focus on the villain of the story, but the hero—Jesus.

6. Two prophetic books were considered for the New Testament.
When early church leaders gathered to pray and select the books to include in the New Testament, they also considered The Shepherd, written by a pastor in Rome named Hermas. John, in writing the Revelation of Jesus Christ, was steeped in the Old Testament. Unlike Hermas, who never connected the Old Testament with Christ’s return, John confirmed that the second coming of Christ was foretold by many throughout Scripture—even before the incarnation.

7. Revelation is more than a book of prophecy.
It’s also evangelistic. One of the most significant words found in Revelation is “come.” Jesus is coming again and his coming is near. But this word is also used as an invitation for the lost to believe. Revelation 3:20 says that Jesus stands at the door and knocks. The final chapter says:

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life. – Revelation 22:17

Revelation is a divinely inspired book that reveals more and more every time we read it. With these points in mind, take another look at the only prophetic book in the New Testament and how it’s all about Jesus Christ. Be encouraged to look forward to the day when He will come again to redeem His world.


As the leader of the 80-year-old Haven Ministries, Charles Morris is always thinking of ways to lead Christians and non-Christians to Christ—hence the familiar slogan, “Telling the great story … it’s all about Jesus.” Charles is a former secular journalist, who has worked for United Press International, and as a press secretary for two former U.S. senators. He began working in the Christian world after seminary, coming to Haven as the fourth speaker in 2000. He and his wife, Janet, have written several books, including Fleeing ISIS, Finding Jesus.

The Revelation with Karen Heimbuch

In a two-disc CD set, this best-seller features the entire book of Revelation, as read by Karen Heimbuch, set to an original score by Michael Harriton and recorded by the world-renowned London Symphony Orchestra. Once you start listening to this dramatic reading with a powerful background, you will not be able to stop. This is the perfect gift for those who know Christ as Savior and those who haven’t yet met the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The Revelation is a worship encounter like you’ve never experienced before.

Is the devil real? To some, that question may seem absurd. Of course he’s not real. Might as well believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, and Lucky the Leprechaun who will steal your Lucky Charms cereal.

To others, that question may seem absurd for a different reason. Of course he’s real! He makes inanimate objects fly, he’s behind the witch doctors in third-world countries, and he’s worshipped by theistic Satanists.

So which is it?

Pastor and author Mike McKinley of Did the Devil Make Me Do It? (The Good Book Co., 2013) encourages us, that as with all questions of spiritual import, to turn to see what the Bible, God’s revealed word, has to say.

And God says, yes, the devil is real. He is the devil (Matthew 4:1); Satan (1 Chronicles 21:1); the tempter (1 Thessalonians 3:5); the evil one (Matthew 13:9); the prince, or ruler, of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2); the prince, or ruler, of this world (John 16:11); the god of this age, or world (2 Corinthians 4:4); Beelzebul (Luke 11:15); Belial (2 Corinthians 6:15); the accuser (Revelation 12:10); Abbaddon or Apollyon (Revelation 9:11).

He is a real character, who is lying, working, fighting with God’s angels, desiring, prowling, designing, and planning to outwit believers, blinding unbelievers, and angry, as McKinley writes.

It’s hard for Americans to believe in evil. In fact, 60 percent of us don’t believe in the devil, according to one poll. But ask anyone who has visited an African village and heard of children asking other children to come out at night and learn to fly, and they will tell you that he is real.

So the devil exists. But is he to be feared? No, not if we are in Christ. McKinley points out that the devil probably can’t even read our minds!

Especially during this week of Halloween, if you want to know what the Bible says about evil and its forces, turn to McKinley’s book, which is a brief (only 64 pages) yet extensive resource.

If you believe in Christ, then your future is sure: You will spend your days in eternity worshipping the King of Glory.

And take heart, for the devil’s future is also sure:

And the devil who had deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and sulfur where the beast and the false prophet were, and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever. —Revelation 20:10

Lindsey M. Roberts is the editor of the All About Jesus blog. After seven years in secular journalism, she is thrilled to explore in words how everything—from taking a walk to doing the dishes—is an opportunity to meet and glorify God. Lindsey lives with her husband and newborn son in Virginia.