Whether you’re a stay-at-home parent, tech worker, or tradesman, most people feel overworked and unable to find quality rest. Because there’s not just work to do—there are appointments, home improvements, recitals, family commitments … the list goes on. And when you’re not doing the things that need to be done, free time is often spent in front of screens. Spend too much time scrolling social media and you’ll be riddled with guilt for not completing your overly ambitious to-do list that keeps getting bigger every day.
If any of this sounds familiar, this podcast is for you.
Dr. Matthew Sleeth (author of 24/6: A Prescription for a Happier, Healthier Life) is a former emergency room physician and no stranger to the kind of busyness that can slowly chip away at your wellbeing. When he found Jesus and began reading the Bible, it was only then that he discovered how much he truly needed a day of rest in his week. In this conversation, you’ll hear how making a few simple changes in your life can allow you to make that sabbath become a weekly reality — a time for you to truly rest in the Lord. Originally recorded in 2013, this conversation is just as relevant today as it was then.
More Resources for Busy People
- Get a copy of Matthew Sleeth’s book 24/6: A Prescription for a Happier, Healthier Life.
- Read this article on Six Ways the Sabbath Blesses Us.
- Read this article on Three Dangers of Busyness.
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