
Last week, Haven Today featured interviews with Julie Lowe, author of Safeguards, as well as other parents and caregivers who care deeply about the safety and development of children. One interview in particular led to a deeper discussion on some of the questions regarding survivors of sexual abuse, which is disturbingly just as common in the church as it is in the world at large.

Daphne Cook helped found a camp to empower survivors of abuse in Northern Illinois called Camp Cedar IL, an organization that helps victims of abuse learn to be survivors who become heroes who help future victims of abuse. Following her interview with David Wollen in last week’s Haven Today series, Daphne provided a thoughtful follow-up to help other parents and caregivers know how to respond to reports of abuse.

How should someone respond if a child reports something that sounds like abuse?

For those that are on the denial end of the spectrum, please don’t disregard. Don’t ignore and don’t dismiss any reports of inappropriate behavior from the child. Listen to them and believe them. Don’t let pride of family or appearance stop you from taking the necessary steps to provide help and healing for the abused child.

On the other end of the spectrum of being overprotective, if something did happen—and the statistics tell us it does for one out of four girls and one out of six boys—it is not their fault. It is never their fault. They do not have to be ashamed.

For immediate help, call 800.656.HOPE or text HOME to 741741.

You are not alone — if you encounter child sexual abuse, resources and support are available. Call to have questions answered or chat with a trained crisis counselor, 24/7 at no charge. All conversations are confidential.

How do rates of abuse in the Church compare to that of the world?

The stats in the church family are no different than the population at large. In fact, it’s not any different across racial or financial lines either. It happens just as much in affluent homes as it does in poverty-stricken homes, it happens all across racial lines. However, some people may refuse to talk about it or acknowledge it at all, which just empowers the abuser to continue.

What is the cost of ignoring abuse?

Ignoring the abuse allows it to continue generation after generation. The more we can talk about it—and the more we’re not embarrassed to talk about it—the more we can share our stories and get adequate help for the ones who have been victimized.

Also, this may not be a felt concern but, by reporting abusers, the perpetrators can also get the help they need. Many themselves were victims of childhood sexual abuse. Reporting them will also keep perpetrators away from harming others.

How can we prevent abuse from happening in our community?

The only way we can stem the tide of abuse is to talk about it, to talk with each other, to share our stories again, and to not be ashamed—because the victim didn’t do anything wrong. It was not their fault.

The one thing that holds most victims back is the feeling of shame, and the feeling that they deserved it, that they did something to cause that person to harm them. The reality of it is that a bad person did an evil act toward an innocent person. No matter what situation the innocent person found themselves in, they did not deserve to be sexually abused in any way by another human being.

It’s wrong. Don’t protect the wrong person by denial. Don’t sacrifice the life of the child for the sake of pride.

How have you seen kids move past the feeling of shame and self-blame?

At Camp Cedar IL, one thing that really helps the older girls understand that it was not their fault is when the older girls see the younger girls coming to camp. They realize these little ones could not have possibly done anything to deserve sexual abuse.

What about boys?

We are in the works of putting together a camp for boys because boys are being hurt and abused as well. And this is rarely talked about. The stats tell us one in six boys experience abuse, but it could be much higher than that. Males tend not to disclose. It is often hard for them to be vulnerable.

What would you want to say to survivor reading this right now?

That you are a beautiful human being created in the image of God. That you are fully capable of living a full, complete, healthy rest of your life, especially if you decide to follow Christ and walk with Him. There’s always hope of full and complete healing. And the greatest aspect of your healing can be the way you help others. The numbers show many out there need help, and we need those who have survived to become heroes to help other victims move forward.

Further Resources

For further resources, visit or For more on the topic on equipping children for the world and culture today, listen to last week’s 5-part Haven Today series The Way They Should Go featuring author and counselor Julie Lowe. You can listen to Julie’s full interview here. Her book Safeguards is also available to you as our thanks for your gift to support the gospel-focused ministry of Haven Today.

About the Author

For several years, Daphne Cook volunteered at a camp for victims of sexual abuse in Texas. Eventually, the great need for the same kind of camp near her home in Northern Illinois became apparent to her, Gwen Wiethron, and Edith Reyns Dehotal, who together founded Camp Cedar IL in 2019. Daphne’s goal is to share the love of Christ with everyone she meets, especially the hurting and the lost who desperately need to hear His message of love and forgiveness. She is also a proud wife, proud mother of two beautiful children and proud stepmom to two fine men and a beautiful daughter-in-law.

Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids

“Safeguards” by Julie Lowe empowers parents and caregivers to protect children from modern dangers through biblical wisdom and practical safety skills.

Drawing on over 20 years of experience as a family counselor, Lowe provides guidance on equipping children to assess people and situations, teaching them how to live by faith in a world with real threats. This essential resource covers age-appropriate safety skills for preschoolers to college-bound teens, addressing issues like bullying, cyber-crimes, sexting, and abuse.

Safeguards: Shielding Our Homes and Equipping Our Kids helps parents grow in understanding, instill confidence in their children, and navigate unsafe situations with biblical conviction. Ensure your child’s safety with this invaluable guide.

Rarely do spiritual conversations with your child go the way you envision, especially when they are little! This is one I wrote down several years ago when my daughter was three.

“Daddy, don’t let the giant get me.”

“Sweetie, the giant isn’t going to get you. It was just a dream…”

I had already come in to comfort my daughter several times that night, but feeling suddenly inspired I decided to seize the “gospel” moment.

“…and besides sweetheart, Jesus is stronger than giants and everything else that’s scary. He defeated all our enemies on the cross, so when you feel scared, you can pray and ask him for help.”

I quietly congratulated myself on my applied spiritual insight in parenting as I watched my three-year-old process this.

“Daddy, is Jesus going to put me in a boat?”


I floundered for a moment then realized she was remembering the picture of Jesus in the boat with His disciples from her storybook Bible.

“Yes honey, Jesus is always with us. Even in the boat.”

“Will He push me in the boat?”

“Um… Jesus loves the little children, sweetie. I think He’d give you a push.”

“Daddy, is Jesus going to wear a swim suit?”

“Goodnight Elly. Go back to sleep.”

A child’s short attention span and limited comprehension can make these parent-child interactions slightly comical, but I’m convinced the effort is worth it. Sooner or later, ideas will start to stick. The conversations we have today will form a framework for understanding later on.

Any Christian parent who wants to learn to talk naturally with their children about Jesus can start by identifying teachable moments in their daily routine. Over the years, I’ve found the following activities to be golden opportunities for leading children to Christ. It’s hardly exhaustive, but it’s a great place to start.

1. When You Sing Together

Kids love to sing. Shows like Sesame Street and Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood revolutionized children’s programming with this insight. So why not be intentional about the music you play and the songs you sing at home and in the car?

I grew up in the 80s listening to Psalty the Singing Song Book. But today there are many more options to choose from. One album that’s recently crossed my desk and has become a fixture in our car stereo came from Adam Wright with The Corner Room in an album called Remember & Proclaim: Scripture Songs for little ones.

I’m constantly amazed at how quickly kids memorize the words to songs. Kind of scary when you think about it. Which is all the more reason to make sure it’s God’s Word they are hiding in their hearts!

2. When You Read Together

Educators keep telling us there is nothing better to prepare kids for future academic success than reading to them when they’re little. Why not take advantage of story time by reading books that will teach your kids about Jesus?

Our girls LOVE The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones. I don’t know if it’s a common experience for other parents, but after we finish reading a story to them, our girls like to flip back to the beginning and retell it in their own words.

And when we turn out the light, the Bible story we just read is a great place to start our prayer time.

“God, thank you for sending your Son as a baby…”
“Jesus, thank you that even the wind and the waves obey you…”
“Jesus, thank you that you rose from the grave and are alive today…”

3. When You Pray Together

Many Christian families pray before meals and at bedtime. Prayer time is an easy opportunity to teach your children to pray and, in the process, teach them priceless truths about God.

Our three-year-old is now at the point of wanting to pray at meals, but she doesn’t know what to say. So my wife or I will pray and, phrase-by-phrase, she repeats our words. Most days it sounds something like this:

“Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us this food. Thank you for Daddy, and Mommy, and baby Hannah. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for sending Jesus to save us from our sins. Amen.”

4. When Your Child is Scared

Most kids get scared when they wake up in the night. When they call out your name for comfort you have an opportunity to talk to them about “the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles…” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

  • When they’re afraid of the dark, you can remind them that Jesus is the light of the world and a light for us when we’re in the dark.
  • When they’re afraid of monsters (or giants in my daughter’s case), you can remind them that Jesus is bigger and stronger than anything scary. In fact, everything evil is afraid of Jesus, because they know He’s in charge.
  • When they just want Daddy or Mommy you have a chance to talk to them about God the Father, who loves them even more than Daddy and Mommy do.

Any scenario like this gives you the chance to pray with them and over them!

5. When Your Child Does Something Wrong

Discipline is one of the most stressful aspects of parenting. And our parental reactions when a child does something wrong reveals a lot about our own assumptions.

When I hear myself say, “Why would you do something like that?” or, “I just don’t understand where this behavior is coming from!” it’s an indicator that I’m forgetting the core of the gospel.

According to God’s Word, she’s not inherently good. She knows how to lie, be sneaky, impatient, mean, and more without having to learn it from others. It comes naturally because, like every person on earth, she was born sinful. She’s sinning because she’s a sinner, just like me. (Ephesians 2:3)

Rather than being surprised by our kids’ sin, we should expect it and have a game plan for addressing it with gospel truth. When your child sins it can be a God-ordained moment to talk with them about how much they need Jesus. That only by His death and resurrection can they have God’s forgiveness, the ability to run from sin, and to desire to do what pleases Him.

6. When Your Child is Wronged by Someone Else

Much of our parental energy in discipline goes into addressing the sinful behavior of the offending child, but we also have an opportunity with the child who was wronged.

This can be your chance to help them understand what it truly means to forgive—that it’s not easy, that the person who wronged them needs their forgiveness, and, most importantly, that we forgive because, through Jesus, God has forgiven us too.


It’s worth the time for you and your spouse to talk through each of these six daily opportunities to point your child to Jesus. Decide what you want to convey ahead of time.

Of course, it will never go exactly according to script, but over time it will pay off as your child learns the vocabulary of grace and spiritual conversations become a natural part of family life.

About the Author

Appointed President of Haven Ministries in November 2023, David Wollen is thrilled to gradually assume the role of host for Haven Today in 2024. He resides in the greater Chicago area with his wife, Marci, and their three children. They are active leaders in their church, where David serves as an elder and part of the preaching team, and Marci leads women’s ministries. With a degree in Biblical Studies from Biola University, David is passionate about teaching God’s Word with God’s heart. He sees this as synonymous with Haven’s longtime tagline: “Telling the Great Story … it’s all about Jesus!”

Remember and Proclaim: Scripture Songs for Little Ones

Remember and Proclaim is a new collection of Scripture songs designed to help families know and sing truth to themselves and to each other.

As a husband and father of two, Adam Wright––singer and composer behind The Corner Room––is constantly looking for resources on how to incorporate the Bible into his family’s daily life. He wants his family to know it, treasure it, and sing it! This new project, Remember and Proclaim, is a collection of Scripture songs designed to help them redirect their hearts back to God’s love and what is true.

Amidst a wide range of emotions, Adam’s family finds themselves singing together as they remember God’s faithful words to them. May this be an effective tool to help families proclaim what is true!