
When Jesus gave the Great Commission to his disciples, what do you think those young men were thinking? “Disciples of ALL nations? Is that really feasible for a bunch of outcasts like us?”

Whatever doubts they had, Jesus packaged this incredible mission for them (and us) with words of great comfort: “All authority has been given to me” (Matt. 28:18) and “I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20). These words are still true today, even as many western Christian leaders are increasingly worried about a growing missions crisis.

The United States remains the largest missionary-sending country in the world, in terms of total numbers, but those numbers have been slowing down. There are now more fields than workers that are being sent to gather and harvest. The words of Jesus fit our own moment in history well:

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” —Luke 10:2

In practical terms, few missions agencies are filling the needs that they have—with people and resources—and when missionaries are sent, many are coming home earlier than expected.

This doesn’t pin down neatly into one single issue. There are personal conflicts that happen on the field, troubles engaging cross-culturally, spiritual warfare, and even a general home-sickness. And when a missionary leaves early, it can have consequences on the people they were trying to reach—a Gospel partially heard, a community partially formed. There is also a sense of abandonment, especially when there is no one to replace them.

And yet, there is hope. Don’t forget the words Jesus spoke. “All authority on heaven and on earth have been given to me … I am with you always.”

Our Lord said this knowing what would come. Persecution was brought on from a powerful Roman empire. Plagues and wars put countless lives at risk. Yes, even a lack of missionaries being sent out into the world. Jesus instructed us to pray about this for a reason.

“Missions crises” are not unique to our current day. There have always been obstacles to making disciples of all nations. But Jesus remains on the throne, and He is with us by His Spirit.

While the church in the West considers how to encourage more men and women into the mission field, the church in the Global South and Asia is on the move.

Over the past few decades, the Global South has been sending missionaries at an astonishing rate, making a great impact in areas the West has historically struggled to reach. I know of Hispanic missionaries who have been used by God to reach countries dominated by Islam. The church in Asia has had a great passion for training missionaries and sending them all over the world.

Despite the challenge facing the United States as a missionary-sending powerhouse, this is good news! Jesus is continuing to build his church.

This is why I think the story of Peace Child (DVD available here) is so important for today. As we consider what the Western church should do with its “missions crisis,” this true historical account of success in cross-cultural missions shows us the bigger picture by focusing on a microcosm of what Christ is doing around the world today. More than entertaining, it’s inspiring to see the Lord at work in ways we never would have imagined on our own.

Peace Child on DVD is available to you here as our thanks for your gift to the ministry of Haven—a multi-media ministry that shares the Gospel around the world. I am confident this film will lead you to thanksgiving and prayer for those in the mission field. If it doesn’t inspire you to go overseas, it may lead you to support someone who is going!

However you choose to support the Great Commission in our world today, I simply ask you to join me in praying for the many missionaries who are even now reaching the far corners of the earth with the good news of Jesus Christ.


President of Haven Ministries since November 2023, David Wollen is the host of the daily Haven Today radio broadcast. He resides in the greater Chicago area with his wife, Marci, and their three children. They are active leaders in their church where David serves as an elder and part of the preaching team, and Marci leads women’s ministries. David is passionate about teaching God’s Word with God’s heart. He sees this as synonymous with Haven’s longtime tagline: “Telling the Great Story … it’s all about Jesus!”

Peace Child (DVD)

Peace Child DVD

Peace Child (DVD) is an extraordinary true missions story that shows how the Gospel can transform lives, even in one of the darkest settings imaginable.

Don and Carol Richardson responded to the call of Christ and traveled to a remote rain forest inhabited by some of the world’s most hard-to-reach people. They lived among them and learned the language, only to be shocked when the story of Judas’ betrayal of Jesus made him a hero to a people whose highest attribute was to be masters of treachery.

When inter-tribal warfare broke out, the battles continued until a warring chief offered his son as a means of bringing lasting peace. “As long as they child lives,” the chief explained, “there will be no more fighting.” After many failed attempts, this is what the Lord used to allow the Gospel to take root.

Part documentary, part reenactment—Peace Child is a classic true missions story that will show you how the Lord conspires to bring all people to Christ.


Evangelism. There are few words in the English language that have sparked as much fear — in the hearts those on the giving and receiving end — than this common Christian practice. And yet Jesus calls all believers to share the good news.

But what if it didn’t have to be so intimidating?

On today’s episode of the Great Stories Podcast, Charles Morris returns to a conversation he had at Regent College with Dr. John Dickson, a scholar and an author from Australia with a heart to engage unbelievers with God’s Word. In this interview originally recorded in 2015, Dickson shares what he believes is the best kept secret of Christian mission.

If you’ve ever wanted to share your faith with others but have been too intimidated to start, then you’re not going to want to miss this podcast on how you can share the gospel with more than your lips.

More from John Dickson

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