

The arm of the Lord is mighty and strong.

And at Christmastime, the long arm of the Lord is revealed. Revealed in sending the son, Jesus Christ, to be born in a manger in Bethlehem.

What is the message for us this Christmas?

The message from Isaiah is:

“Do not fear. Do not be dismayed. I am with you. I am your god.”

And the son of God, Jesus Christ, has come to reign.

The king of kings, the Lord of lords, is with us now. God has come.

From all of us at Haven Today, Glory to God in the Highest.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 

As speaker and president of Haven Ministries, Charles Morris brings a rich background to Christian radio from secular media, including being a broadcase news reporter as well as press secretary for two former U.S. Senators. While in seminary in Philadelphia, he worked as an assistant to the late Dr. James Montgomery Boice before coming to Haven as the ministry’s fourth speaker in 2000. Now as the leader of the 75-year-old radio ministry, Charles is always thinking of ways to lead Christians and non-Christians to Christ—hence the familiar slogan, “Telling the great story … it’s all about Jesus.” Charles, and his wife Janet, have three children and are also the proud grandparents of Charlotte, Gracie and Ricky.