haven bible challenge

Most people think about reading the Bible in a year, or in a lifetime. So where did 90 days come from? We interviewed Ted Cooper, the founder of the Bible in 90 Days program, to find out how he drew up three months as an appropriate time frame, and why this former skeptic even started to read the Bible. Find out and hear for yourself how God took ahold of Ted’s life through His word.

We all think about what we need to be doing and doing better in a brand-new year and that includes reading the Bible, doesn’t it?

For as many people who have now done this, there are still tens of millions, hundreds of millions, even billions of people who haven’t, so this is the crusade, this is the mission, to help all of God’s people read God’s word.

Tell us what was going on in your life when you even started to read the Bible.

This all started for me back in 1999. We were at a point where I was agnostic, my wife was agnostic, and we had three children at that point who were getting to the age where they were impressionable. And we decided that rather than have them grow up in a non-Christian household or in a household in which we were blatantly disavowing God and Jesus Christ, we thought, well gosh, you know, let’s let them go to church, be in Sunday School and make up their own minds. We had otherwise remained silent on the subject. So we decided to bundle them up, throw them in a car one Sunday, take them to a church that we knew had a great youth program, and that I had in fact attended as a child, and walked through the door with them. And as we joke now, that was our big mistake. Becky and I crossed the threshold ourselves.

You were Thomas. You were a doubter.

I had gone to church as a child, gone through in fact, even the confirmation process, but very much the kicking-and-screaming approach and did it more than anything else because it was going to make my parents happy. And I walked away from that. The bottom line was that we were agnostic, and I’ve always felt that the reason we were agnostic was we just weren’t brave enough to be atheists. We weren’t brave enough to say, “No, absolutely, there is no God.” But we just don’t think that there is one, and even if there is, why waste the time, frankly? Why waste our lives wondering about this thing that will never be proven, until in fact we die? That was very much my mindset. However, let’s don’t impose that thinking on our children. And if we were wrong, we didn’t want to impose that on them.

We joined a class called Discovery 101 that was led by a wonderful pastor by the name of Carl Hamilton, and a woman by the name of Susan Ray. They just did a wonderful job, for four weeks, of introducing what were prospective members of the church to the Christian faith, to the faith as practiced by that church. So we just went, and thought, “Well, we’ll see what they have to say.” And frankly, we would leave every week, kind of shaking our head, and going, boy, they’ve got this wrong. I remember vividly the opportunity to study the prodigal son. And Becky and I both left there thinking, “Wow, that’s just all about bad parenting.” But what did happen during this particular hour each week for four weeks, was that Carl Hamilton would ask a question, pose a question, that I just couldn’t answer, that my worldview couldn’t answer. And that would make me mad. And he suggested that the Christian worldview really did have the answer. This made me mad, it took me out of my comfort zone, and I wanted back in my comfort zone just as quickly as possible. The noodling that I did arrived at a point … and the plan was, I want to get back into my comfort zone, the way that I can do that is to actually read the book that’s supposed to tell me all about the Christian faith and I needed to do it and do it as quickly as possible so that I could go back to my disbelief and my own comfortable life.

Ted, how did you work this out? You’re a linear thinker, and you decided you wanted to check the book out to see if it was really true. 

I’m a businessman and I was used to thinking in terms of projects and I was used to thinking through things, how I make sure this project was going to be successful. This particular project was to read all of God’s word. I knew and had met plenty of people who had started out to read the entire Bible and the vast majority had failed. So I thought through the process of what kind of resource do I need, and that would mean a particular Bible, what would be the timeframe that would be successful for me, and in my case, I thought, “I won’t stick with it over a year.” And so 90 days made a lot of sense for me. I thought, “I can do anything for three months.”

It’s amazing that you did this, and went to all this trouble, to not believe in something—that you didn’t expect to be having any impact in your future or in your kid’s lives, either. But you started the project, and you started reading the Bible through in 90 days. So I guess, as they say, the rest is history, but what happened?

The first half, I was reading along. I was trying to be very open-minded about it. I didn’t want to go in with a defeatist attitude. I didn’t expect to have my mind changed by it, but I didn’t want to read it in such a way that I would clearly not have my mind changed by it. So with a fairly open mind, I started reading it. I kept reading it. I read 12 pages a day. And darned if halfway through, I didn’t realize that I was actually believing what I reading.

For anyone who’s never read the Bible all the way through, you were still in the Old Testament, you hadn’t even gotten to the New Testament yet, had you? 

I was still in the Old Testament, somewhere in Isaiah or Jeremiah. And you know, this was my first time through. I wasn’t keeping them straight, which one was which. But yes, in the Old Testament, and then back in the major prophets, which is not a particularly likely place to become a believer, but I did.

So you actually lost your agnosticism somewhere between Isaiah or Jeremiah. The spirit of the living God was actually speaking to you.

I believe so. I wouldn’t believe it before. But at this moment, this great revelation was, I believe this. It changed my life so dramatically and yet so subtly at the same time. When I woke up the next morning, I still had the same personality, I still had a lot of the same quirks and approaches to life and my compass had been changed. The big issue for me had been, I had always thought that I was in control. And once I accepted that there is a God, and that He sent his son to die for his sins, to be our savior, I had to accept that I wasn’t in charge but that he was in charge, is in charge. And if I’m going to have a life that has meaning, I better figure out what the creator’s plan for me is, and get with the picture.

I am so amazed. This is a risky thing. If you do not believe that Jesus Christ is your Savior, you know in your heart that you’re not a believer, we’re going to ask you to do this, but you better be careful for what you ask for.

I think that’s what people’s big fear is. And I do understand it, coming from one side to the other. The neat thing that I can guarantee is that if you take the leap, you will not regret it. If we accept the notion that God created us, that He created this incredible universe, with wonderful blessings, and also horrible tragedies, then what we want to do, I believe, is be on His team. And if we’re not, then what we have to understand is, that we’re in a battle against the creator. And that doesn’t make any sense. We’re not going to win that battle. So as much as we may fear change at any point in time, the great thing is, he has wonderful plans in store for us.

And I can tell you, 13 years ago, I would have been very, very cynical if I heard somebody telling me. What I would just ask people, invite people, very heartily to do, is to go find out for yourself. That is a big part of what we think the mission of this ministry is, to help people find out for themselves what this wonderful scripture says. God gave us this gift. And most of us including the vast majority of Christians, have never fully unwrapped it. Please do. When you do, you get to respond to it. You get to decide whether it makes you happy, it makes you mad, it makes you knowledgeable, it confuses you. You go through this process, and I think you’re going to come out on the other end going, “Gosh, I’m glad I did that.”

As the leader of the 80-year-old Haven Ministries, Charles Morris is always thinking of ways to lead Christians and non-Christians to Christ—hence the familiar slogan, “Telling the great story … it’s all about Jesus.” Charles is a former secular journalist, working for United Press International, and a former press secretary for two U.S. senators. After seminary, he started working in the Christian world, coming to Haven as the fourth speaker in 2000. He and his wife Janet are looking forward to their soon-to-be-released book Missing Jesus: Find Your Life in His Great Story.

You have now read 25% of God’s Word!

If you find yourself falling behind, ask the Lord to help you. Even when reading God’s Word you need His grace and His Holy Spirit. Join together with a prayer partner who is also reading the Bible and ask for accountability in getting through your 90-day challenge.

What you read in the last two days from 1 Samuel sets the tone for the reading in week 4. Israel rejects God as king and asks for a king like the other nations have (1 Sam. 8).

But because God is always faithful to His promises, He will not forget Israel completely. He first gives the people a king according to their own desires – Saul, a tall and handsome man – but an ungodly king. In time, God replaces Saul with David, a man after God’s own heart. 1 & 2 Samuel could be called, “A Tale of Two Kings.” We see the stark contrast between the first type of king, Saul, esteemed in the eyes of men, and the second, David, the anointed of the Lord.

1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings:   Themes

1 Samuel (Conclusion)    Even though the Lord had commanded Israel not to associate with those who summon spirits (Deuteronomy 18:11), Saul seeks the words of Samuel’s dead spirit. God mysteriously allows this and Samuel predicts that Saul and his sons will join him in death the very next day.

As anticipated, the Philistines overwhelm Saul and the first king of Israel meets his end.

2 Samuel  The first six chapters of 2 Samuel describe the transition between the houses of Saul and David. These crescendo in a series of victories for David and God’s promise in 2 Samuel 7 that David’s “throne will be established forever,” a messianic promise anticipating the King of Kings to come from David’s line.

1 Kings  In 1 & 2 Kings David becomes the measuring rod for what it means to be a faithful king. As Solomon begins his reign the Lord says, “If you walk in obedience to me and keep my decrees and commands as David your father did, I will give you a long life.” Sadly, this is an enormous if. In the end, keeping the decrees of the Lord would prove too difficult for Israel’s kings.

Their wickedness increases generation after generation to the point that even a prophet like Elijah is run off by King Ahab. In this story, Elijah cries out to the Lord in anguish becuase he believes he is the last worshiper of the true God left in Israel.

And yet, God always keep a small group of faithful followers for Himself. The Apostle Paul calls them “a remnant chosen by grace” (Romans 11:5).

2 Kings  As the decline of Israel continues, the moment of judgment finally comes as the now-divided northern and southern kingdoms are sent into exile.

The indictment of God’s people is somber: because they worshiped worthless gods they themselves became worthless (2 Kings 17:15).

Although it had its glory days with David and Solomon, even the great city of Jerusalem (of the southern kingdom of Judah), is eventually besieged and captured by Babylon in 2 Kings 25.

As we finish this book, our hearts should be longing for Jesus: the promised coming Messiah and the only truly faithful King.


Encouraging Comments from a B90 Reader

“What does it mean when the Bible calls David a man after God’s own heart? This time through the Bible I thought about it again.  I think that it means he understood how God works; how God thinks. What gives it away are the unusual ways he reacts in situations where people expect him to do something totally different.

He spared the life of his enemy Saul twice, he challenged Goliath and didn’t take any armor, he mourned when his child was sick and stopped when his child died, he accepted the cursing from Shimei as from God, and he was absolutely stricken with grief when the usurper to his throne was killed. Each of these incidents shows a deep understanding of what God would think in those situations.”

Tim (California)

B90 Insight of the Week

It is through the darkest moments in Israel’s history – days of exile, disappointment and death – we are reminded of the one true King of the world – Jesus Himself. The Isaelites may not have realized it then, but He is the King they had always looked forward to!

Faithful and selfless, Jesus surrendered His life to be lifted high on the cross so that sinners who have made themselves like the worthless gods they served can draw near to God. He rose with authority over death and ascended to the right hand of the Father sending out disciples to preach Good News to the world.

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

“No one is righteous. No, not one” (Romans 3:10).

It’s true. We can’t please God with our works. But we can’t be all that bad, can we? Perhaps we tithe, we donate to charitable causes, we bring soup to the sick, or we listen to the hurting. God must nod approvingly at us for some of the things we do for good, right?

And yet, the books of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah paint a very different portrait of the human heart. Isolated acts of obedience and goodness cannot atone for sin or even prevent it. For if we were to rule kingdoms on earth, we would also fall short. Perhaps we would commit adultery and murder like David. Or acquire countless wives like Solomon. And if we weren’t given the gift of rule, then we might be like David’s son, Absalom, and revolt against our own father!

At this point in history Israel has returned from a humiliating, defeating, and painful trip to exile. 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah remind the Israelites of their years of disobedience, and how they got to the point of exile in the first place.

This is one crucial distinction between the books of Kings and Chronicles. Whereas Kings was directed at Israel before exile, Chronicles is directed at Israel after exile. See if you can keep yourself in that mindset as you read.

Perhaps the greatest takeaway from this section is that the hope is found in a recognition of failure. Knowing we have fallen desperately short of God’s standard is beginning of repentance, and repentance is a prerequisite of grace. Only then can we recognize that it is God who accomplishes all the good in us and through us. In that light, those who believe in Jesus’ power to save have tremendous hope.

At this point in the 90-Day Challenge, you are most likely saying, “OK, I get it! When is the happy ending going to come?” Hang on, keep reading, Matthew is getting much closer. Soon we will be rejoicing with the magi.

1 Chronicles 1:1—Nehemiah 13:44:   Themes

God had promised the Israelites a king. With the death of Saul and God’s promise to establish David’s house, it seemed like David was the one God would use to fulfill His promises. But David committed sins of such serious magnitude that it was clear he was not the one. King after king would come after David, none wholly good, in a general trajectory down into depravity and sin. But surely, God will keep His promises. Surely, there is a king to come that will rule over all creation and eternity.

1 Chronicles   How did Israel land in exile? God, through the writer of Chronicles, answers this question through genealogies, beginning with Adam. The book shares a common storyline with Kings, with a few differences. In some ways it is painful to have to read, again, all of the sins that Israel committed.

There are drastic consequences for not following the Lord.

2 Chronicles  As with Samuel and Kings, 1 and 2 Chronicles were originally written as one book. The second half of Chronicles picks up with Solomon and David, and ends with the sequence of kings that followed, the majority of which disobey the Lord. Chaos reigns, not kings. Most of the 39 (yes 39!) kings following Solomon and David are faithless, one after another, except for a very few. Is there no hope? There is. The kings who are faithful are enough for Israel to keep their confidence in God.

The Lord raises the humble, but He will humble those who take their pride in anything other than Him.

Ezra  The Israelites return to rebuild their temple, per the permission of Persian King Cyrus. It is encouraging that they do, despite the fact that nearby adversaries make them afraid to do so.

Nehemiah  Just like children today who don’t remember 9/11, the children described in Nehemiah don’t remember exile. So they don’t worry so much about straying to other gods away from the one true God of Israel. Nehemiah leads Israel and rebuilds the city wall — a physical and spiritual separation between Israel and those who follow pagan gods. At the end of the book, the people of Israel once again begin to act as God’s children.


Encouraging Comments from a B90 Reader

We are truly more sinful than we ever imagined…   God motivated pagan kings to bless the people of Israel. The foundation of the temple was built.  People shouted and sang, making noise unto the Lord.   But their hearts were not content to focus on God alone — and they disobeyed by marrying unbelievers.  But God did not abandon them.  He motivated Ezra who interceded for Israel.  And his example –and God’s prompting – brought others to the place of confession and repentance and obedience.  Though we all are more sinful than we could ever imagine, we are more loved and accepted than we could ever dare hope.


B90 Insight of the Week

Clearly, God’s people are not able to maintain His law and they are not able to rule themselves. They are hardly able to do anything right.

The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah mirror the state of our own hearts. Again and again and again we will fail on our own. Even when we triumph over sin, we are quick to be prideful. Even in our repentance, we are not fully humble. As Isaiah said, “all our righteous acts are like filthy rags (64:6).

Praise God that He has a far better plan for our righteousness than we ever could. His perfect love means not only that Christ died so that we might live, but that when God looks at us, He sees only the perfect righteousness of His Son.

Can you imagine God looking at you with love and seeing nothing but goodness and purity?

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

Take a quick moment to look at Genesis 1 and then look at where you are this week.  In the printed edition of The Bible in 90 Days, you have now read 420 pages of the Bible in 35 days.  Amazing!  And even if you’re a bit behind, the journey has been worth it.  It’s very exciting to think that God is speaking to each of us in different places at different times through the same sections of scripture. What new insights have you discovered about God’s nature?  What new facts have you treasured away in your heart?

Don’t forget to make a comment below and let us know what God has been doing in your life as you read through The Bible in 90 Days.  It will be an encouragement for all of us.

After you wrap up Nehemiah this week, you will meet two of the Bible’s most interesting characters – Esther and Job.  Both stories give us insight into God’s providential work, both within a nation and a single person.  Finally, you’ll wrap up the week by reading through a majority of the Psalms – Israel’s songbook filled with honest lyrics that flow from the heart.

Nehemiah – Psalms:   Themes

Nehemiah  Israel has returned from exile, rebuilt Jerusalem’s walls, and begun to live as God’s people once again.  And yet, by the end of the book, we see how easily they slip away from following God.  Nehemiah reminds us that God will punish sin, but it also shows us that His “steadfast love” towards His people will endure forever.  This doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for sin, but it does demonstrate that those who are in Christ have a sure foundation.

Esther  Though this book does not mention God directly, we see His providential hand working to preserve His chosen people.  God  promised Abraham that the Messiah would come from his seed and, despite the best efforts of Haman, God would not allow His promise to end in Persia.  He uses a young girl named Esther to win the heart of the king to save His people.  Hollywood doesn’t write fiction as good as this true story.

Job  Why do bad things happen to good people?  Ever heard that one? The book of Job gives us a unique look into the spiritual dimension where we learn that God is always in control.  Though our circumstances may often be challenging, the book of Job teaches us that God cares about His people.  Often our suffering demonstrates God’s glory in our weakness.  What we end up learning is that Job’s faith is the ultimate gift from God and no amount of suffering can separate God’s love from us.

Psalms  This ancient hymnal captures the high praises and deep laments felt within the hearts’ of God’s people.  Every human emotion is on display as God’s people pour their hearts out to Him.  Dr. Michael Williams writes, “We are reassured that within the context of our relationship with God the great King, these feelings are okay to have.  No matter how and what we are feeling, we can tell God about it.”  Through these inspired songs we can cry out to God and seek to have Him draw near to us.


Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

THANK GOD! I finally caught up. I was 2 weeks behind. Saturday I was still reading 1 Samuel, but I pressed forward this weekend to finally get back on course! IT FEELS GOOD!


Both my wife & I have accepted the challenge to read through The Bible in 90 days. I am up to date & into the Psalms. They vary from praise & thanksgiving to God, to almost despair wondering where God is. But that, after all, is the story of my own life & I suspect of many others as well. Thank you, Haven, for issuing this challenge. I am using the Contemporary English Version I am finding it most helpful.

Ken Seburn

B90 Insight of the Week

Jesus told His disciples in Luke 24:44, “Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”  Jesus knew and loved the Psalms.

In fact, many of the Psalms anticipated His coming.  Some of them, like Psalm 2, clearly proclaimed the coming Messiah.  It’s interesting that Jesus often quoted from the Psalms.  Even on the cross, as He was suffering for our sins, He quoted from both Psalm 22 & 31.  And of course Jesus fulfilled the Davidic promises found in many of the Psalms, like that in Psalm 45:6, where it talked about David’s thrown lasting forever.  Obviously the Psalms were important to Jesus, so as you read through these Spirit-inspired songs this week, look for Jesus to show up.

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

By the 2nd day of reading this week you will be halfway through the Bible! Congratulations! This week we dig into Jesus’ favorite Bible passages. The Gospels quote the book of Psalms and Isaiah more than any other books of the Old Testament.

Jesus quotes Psalm 118 saying, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord,” upon His entry into Jerusalem for the last time. A few days later on the cross He cries out Psalm 22, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”  Keep your eyes and ears open for Jesus this week because each of these books whispers His name.

Psalms – Isaiah:   Themes

Psalm 89-150
The Psalms are a songbook for the people of God throughout history. But we usually forget that these poems are supposed to be sung. Psalm 98:1 says, “Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!” Psalm 105:2 tells us, “Sing praises to him; tell of his wondrous works.”

This wonderful songbook ends with a call to the whole world: “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!” (Psalm 150:6)

In this book of wisdom, a father and mother sit down with their son and explain to him that a full and rich life begins with “the fear of the Lord” (1:7). They explain that wisdom is better than gold and that living a life of wisdom is like walking along a safe path that slowly draws you into mature fellowship with God. They warn him to stay away from the seductive and adulterous women, and the mother, specifically, teaches her son to look for the type of woman who fears the Lord.

Yet perhaps the best perspective to have on the book of Proverbs comes from Paul, in his book to the Corinthians. He reminds us that the wise man, the teacher of the law, and the philosopher must all look to the cross in order to find the summary of all true wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:18-20).

“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.” So opens the book that shows us how a self-centered life in this world is completely vain and means nothing. Earthly pleasures – even pursuing wisdom and hard work – are all meaningless unless we “fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the duty of all mankind” (Ecc. 12).

Song of Songs
This love song has often been interpreted throughout church history as a description of the love Christ has for His bride, the church. The concluding crescendo speaks of strength and faithfulness that comes from the best kind of love:

Place me like a seal over your heart,
like a seal on your arm;
for love is as strong as death,
its jealousy unyielding as the grave.
It burns like blazing fire,
like a mighty flame.
(Song of Songs 8:6)

Isaiah 1-13
This book of prophecy begins with an accusation against God’s people. God had shepherded and provided for His people. But rather than responding in love and admiration, they ran from their Father. Oxen and donkeys know to love and serve their master. But Israel does not (Isaiah 1:3).

But God will not leave His people in their own sins. Somehow He will take soiled and obviously broken people, wash and clothe them, and make them new.



Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

I am 14 years old and my family and I are taking the challenge of reading the Bible in 90 Days. I must say it has not been the easiest thing. Many times there are after school activities, etc. This has made me realize how we were doing things other than worshiping God, which is most important! I hope everyone taking this challenge is being made to think about the wonders of God because it really is making me.

WDAC listener – Lancaster, PA


Wow. Can you believe we are over 1/2 way. I don’t know about you but it seems a breeze now. I’ve got the wind at my back and it’s full sail ahead! My comment on today’s reading comes from Proverbs 30:7-9, “Give me neither poverty nor riches.” I need Him. He sustains me. He is my provider. My help comes from the Lord. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You. What extravagant love God has for those who trust in Him!

Jim Martenson – Michigan

B90 Insight of the Week

Jesus sang the Psalms and knew them by heart. He quoted them often. As you read this week, imagine what it would be like to sing the Psalms together with Jesus. Join with God’s people, pleading before the Father that we would be heard. “Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD! Hear my voice” (Psalm 130:1).

And think of this as well – your Savior is never ashamed to sing with you. The book of Hebrews 2:11-12 tells us, “Both the one who makes people holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers and sisters. He says, ‘I will declare your name to my brothers and sisters; in the assembly I will sing your praises.’” What are these words Jesus is singing with His true brothers and sisters? They are the words of Psalm 22:22.

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

“How long shall my enemy be exalted over me?” (Psalm 13:2).

This week we are solidly in the prophetic section of the Old Testament as we read the end of Isaiah and all of Jeremiah. So far we have covered books of historical narrative, law, and wisdom literature. In the prophetic literature the tone, message, and style changes significantly from prior books.

We have already seen Israel and Judah subjected to exile. And we have seen some who returned to God. Isaiah and Jeremiah are reminders that God had sent prophets warning His people away from their sin and begging them to return to Him. In fact, Isaiah’s whole life was dedicated to imploring the people of Israel to return to God!

At this point we can see that Israel has fallen far, her former glory a distant memory. Yet God’s glorious promises remain. Abraham’s line has grown through the generations, but it does not yet number more than the stars in the sky or the sand on the seashore. These promises are still waiting for their ultimate fulfillment. And that great day is now closer than before.

Isaiah 14:1—Jeremiah 33:22   Themes

Isaiah  Throughout Isaiah, God tells the Israelites that they have cursed God and will therefore be cursed if they don’t turn from their ways. Israel had already succumbed to the Assyrians. Judah was now threatened with destruction by the Babylonians. God had called Isaiah to tell Israel to turn from her ways and avoid his wrath. It is a warning that still echoes to our ears.

And yet, Isaiah overflows with hope and a deep longing for the coming Messiah. We see shadows of Him in the first chapters, and it ultimately the messianic theme culminate in chapter 53 with the “suffering servant.” In fact, throughout Jesus’ future ministry it would often be the words of Isaiah used to describe and authenticate it.

This is an incredible picture of the biblical tension that exists throughout Scripture – that a holy and just God will punish sin, yet will Himself pay the ultimate price to rescue the people He loves.

Jeremiah   Jeremiah is known as the “weeping prophet.” This book of prophecy is also full of messianic themes predicting the coming Messiah, and also foretells a new covenant between God and His people.

Throughout his writing, Jeremiah pleads with his countrymen to turn from evil and repent – but to no avail. God had called Jeremiah to be His witness to a generation that would never listen or repent.

Still, he foretells a day to come when God’s law will be written on the hearts of His people.


Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

Wow, what a difference reading through the Bible in 90 days makes. I’ve just turned 90, and I have tried several reading plans to get through in a year. The readings would often end in the middle of an idea or event, leaving you sometimes wondering where you left off. But reading through in 90 days means you go from one complete event to another. I really can’t wait until tomorrow to see where He is leading us. Just because I’m 90, doesn’t mean I’ve stopped living or waiting. I don’t see anyone in the Old or New Testament retiring. So bring on the kingdom.  

Sugar Ray, Washington


I hope it isn’t wrong to say that I am proud of myself, but I am. I have never enjoyed reading the Bible like I have come to now. I find that my focus all day, every day, is to complete my reading. Reading a sufficient amount of Scripture each day gives me a much clearer vision of this awesome Word.

Victoria Clark, Tennessee

B90 Insight of the Week

After seeing Israel fail over and over to keep the law, our first thought might be disbelief: “How could they be such incredible failures?” But our second thought, if we’re honest, is that we are the incredible failures as well.

At the end of Isaiah and Jeremiah, God offers hope through the promise of a new covenant. Israel turned from God and suffered His punishment, but God would send one person who would listen and obey Him. And even better, He would listen and obey on the behalf of others.

How much does God love you that He would see your failures, forgive you, then see you as righteous because of Christ?

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

With week eight completed, you are now more than two-thirds of your way through the Bible!

The readings for the coming week are fascinating. All of the prophecies are forward-looking. Some will come to pass in the lifetime of the exiles, others will come to pass before the end of the New Testament, but some of it remains a mystery even today from our vantage point.

Doubtlessly you will find yourself asking questions for which there are no apparent answers in the text. This is where keeping the 90-day schedule gets difficult. It’s tempting to stop and consult a study Bible or a commentary, but if you do it will be difficult to complete each day’s reading.

When you come upon an intriguing passage and have a question, discipline yourself to wait until you complete your reading. Then go check out what your study notes have to say. This discipline will help motivate you to get through your reading and stay on track!

Jeremiah 33:23 — Daniel 8:27 Themes

Jeremiah  As Israel continues to reject God and persist in sin, we see God’s judgment and faithfulness beautifully intertwined. Israel claims God has rejected them, but here is His response:

I would no more reject my people than I would change my laws that govern night and day, earth and sky. I will never abandon the descendants of Jacob or David, my servant, or change the plan that David’s descendants will rule the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Instead, I will restore them to their land and have mercy on them.
(Jer 33:25-26)

A new covenant is coming and God will not desert His people!

Lamentations   The prophecies and warnings of Isaiah and Jeremiah have come to pass. Israel had placed their hope in countless things that were not God, and now they must realize the futility and foolishness of their disobedience. Jerusalem is gone. The temple is gone. Their ability to worship God as prescribed in the books of Moses is gone. Has God deserted His people?

This is a book of lament, full of grief, regret, and desperation for God.  In it we see God’s purpose for the exile of His people as their hard hearts soften into repentance. They knew they deserved to be destroyed completely, but God had allowed them to survive as a people. From the poet-writer of Lamentations, here is their response to God’s mercy:

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed,
    for his compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
    great is your faithfulness.
(Lam 3:22-23)

God knows what He is doing!

Ezekiel   Ezekiel is a book of prophecy written by the man who bears the same name, overlapping the time period in which Lamentations was written. Ezekiel was one of 10,000 people taken as a captive by Nebuchadnezzar into Babylon. There his visions and prophecies explained to Israel what was happening to them.

The central theme of this book, as noted in How to Read the Bible through the Jesus Lens, is that “God’s presence is the key to life.”

As God’s presence departed from the temple, so did the life of the nation of Israel. They were dying a slow death, but were stubbornly unwilling to repent until they were completely conquered and all of their former glory was gone.

The most poignant moment comes as Ezekiel looks out over a valley of dry bones, symbolizing God’s people. But God says to the bones, “I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.” (Ez 37:5)

It would be more than 600 years before the fulfillment of this prophecy would take place, as Emmanuel (God with us) brings life and the very presence of God back to His people in a way no one expected.

Daniel   Next to the book of Revelation, Daniel contains more eschatological (end-times) prophecy than any other book of the Bible. Daniel was only a young boy when the exile to Babylon took place. He was quickly identified as someone with a promising future and was selected to be groomed for service to the very king who had just defeated Israel and carried her into captivity.

Amazingly, Daniel serves a pagan king with integrity and excellence, while remaining faithful to God. When faced with a crossroads, he always chooses obedience to God, even at the cost of losing his own life. But God miraculously preserves his life year after year.


Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

Lamentations is such a sad, sad book…yet one of my most favorite passages comes in the middle of it: Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. (Lam. 3:21-23)

Nancy, California

B90 Insight of the Week

Referencing the lessons of the book of Ezekiel, Bible commentator Michael Williams notes that, like Israel, “A lot of us have spiritual attention deficit disorder. We get so distracted by the things that surround our lives that we forget where our life comes from in the first place.”

Can you relate? It will be a couple more weeks before we get there, but this theme shows up prominently in the Gospel of John. Jesus tells us in John 4 that He is the “Living Water” who sustains life. And again in John 6 that He is “true bread and true drink,” more important to our continued existence than our next meal.

The weaknesses of Israel are our weaknesses too. We are quick to forget that all life comes from and is sustained by God Himself. And we are so apt to place our hope in things that are not God.

So today ask the Lord to remind you that true life is found in Him. Ask God to make you even more hungry for His Word and for His presence.

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

Welcome to week 10! You are now about to crest the hill and enter into the New Testament.

Take a moment and look at what you’ve accomplished so far. You’ve packed 63 days of straight Bible reading under your belt. You have read 862 chapters of Scripture. And now you have just a few, short weeks left. That’s worth celebrating.

And now look back on what you’ve learned. You have studied God’s law for the Israelites. You’ve seen the power of the Lord deliver the Israelites from slavery in Egypt, turning them into a real nation. You’ve seen kings rise and fall, God’s people taken into exile, and the Israelites return to the Promised Land.

You’ve read history, poetry, and prophecy. Now you will finish the Old Testament by reading the Minor Prophets and enter the turning point of all history – the moment everything has been leading up to – the coming of the Messiah.

Daniel 9:1 – Matthew 26:56 Themes

Daniel  In the first half of Daniel, you read what most people think of when referring to this particular Old Testament character. But after chapter 7, this book starts looking more like Revelation. When you get to the end of you’re the 90-Day-Challenge, remember what you read in this book.

Pre-Exile Prophets
These men prophesied to the Northern and Southern kingdoms of Israel in the time leading up to the exile.

  • Hosea is the first to appear, though he was the last to prophecy in the Northern Kingdom before the Assyrians took them into exile. He was told to marry a prostitute and then, when she inevitably cheated on him, he was told to take her back. Through these circumstances, Hosea is an example of God.  He also married an unfaithful bride – Israel. But what does God do? He takes her back. Does she deserve it? No. Will God take us back? Yes. Do we deserve it? No.
  • Joel prophesied during a time of severe drought and a plague of locusts. His main message to the Israelites is that the day of the Lord is coming, bringing judgment before restoration.
  • Amos spoke of false religiosity. He told the people that God was not interested in religious routines, but rather in the heart of His followers. Amos foretold that Israel would face judgment, but God would be merciful.
  • Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament. He prophesied against the Edomites, the descendants of Esau. They took advantage of Judah when they were attacked by the Babylonians. But God repays injustice.
  • Jonah is the most well known minor prophet because of his compelling story. He runs from God, gets swallowed by a large fish, and is purged once he finally repents. But what happens when he finally gets to Nineveh? This book teaches us that no one is outside the realm of God’s mercy and compassion.
  • Micahsaw the coming judgment for Israel, but he also saw the coming restoration. The Lord sentences Israel for her crimes, but God will not stay angry forever. Micah also told of the One who would come out of Bethlehem to “be our peace.”
  • Nahum also had to preach to the people of Nineveh. Many years after Jonah, the repentant people of Nineveh sunk back into sin, and Nahum came to proclaim judgment. This time there was no repentance and God did not let the guilty go unpunished. They did not realize that God is the true shelter of peace for those who trust in Him.
  • Habakkuk lived in a time of violence, conflict, and injustice among God’s people. God tells Habakkuk that He is raising the Babylonians to come and bring justice to Judah. But the Babylonians were worse sinners than the Israelites. Why would they be chosen to bring the judgment to Israel?
  • Zephaniah came after Habakkuk to proclaim the judgment to come. But the people of Israel were ignoring God, saying, “The Lord will do nothing, either good or bad.” Zephaniah proclaimed judgment, but, echoing the future message of Jesus, he also preached that there is security and safety in the Lord.

Post-Exile Prophets
These men prophesied to the Israelites when they were released to return to the Promised Land and rebuild the temple. This took place in the time of Ezra and Nehemiah.

  • Haggai urged the Israelites to reorient their priorities. When they were being discouraged by their neighbors, they became stagnant and stopped rebuilding. How did Haggai respond? He proclaimed the glory and majesty of the temple to be a symbol for peace and blessing – which would inevitably point them to the coming Messiah.
  • Zechariah was a prophet and priest who had the difficult task of receiving a series of complicated visions. Fortunately for him, and for us, an angel was sent to interpret what he saw. Over and over again, we are pointed to the branch who would come, to the messianic offspring of David, to the day when a Good Shepherd would suffer for His sheep, to remove sin and purify God’s people.
  • Malachi is the final prophet to write an Old Testament book. The temple was finally rebuilt, and Malachi came to remind the people not to turn away from God like their fathers did, but to patiently serve Him. God will fulfill His promises. There will be a Messiah. And His coming will be preceded by a prophet like Elijah, who we all know to be “John the Baptist.”

Matthew 1 – 26:56  As Malachi closes out the Old Testament, you’d expect Matthew to pick up where he left off, right? Wrong. There are 400 years of history that takes place between the testaments – and much has happened.

The Israelites are conquered again, the temple gets desecrated, a family of priests lead a revolt against the Syrian Seleucid Empire, Greece conquers much of the surrounding land, Rome grows to be more powerful than Greece, and Israel is set up under kings who have to answer to the Emperor. Enter King Herod and the census, and we’ve made it to Matthew chapter 1.

As you read the Gospel of Matthew, try reading it from a 1st century Jewish perspective. Matthew was a Jew and he was writing the account of Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension in light of all the books you just read.  This is when reading the Bible in such a short amount of time begins to pay off! Now you can finally start putting together the pieces from many of the Old Testament cliffhangers.


Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

When reading at this pace, it’s amazing to see the recurring themes of worship, commands of holiness, and treatment of the poor and needy that run like a fabric throughout Scripture. It truly instructs us how to live! Also, for those who are a little behind (or ahead) in the 90 Day Plan, I can’t help but wonder if the reading you have for today, is precisely what the Lord has for you TODAY! … Hey, only about 3 weeks to go!

Mike Bingham, Florida

On to the New Testament. Having traveled through the Old Testament it’s nice to arrive and meet Jesus the Messiah! Have you noticed how much the Old Testament is quoted in just the first 4 chapters? Thus saith the Scriptures! Confirming and validating everything that had been said. The Word is alive! Having read the Old Testament as fast as I did I love how I see the New Testament in a whole new light. How is everyone who is on track doing? Don’t quit. This Bible bus we are on is on a non-stop course to Revelation:} ALL ABOARD!

Jim Martenson, Michigan

B90 Insight of the Week

“The LORD passed before him and proclaimed, ‘The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness’”
– Exodus 34:6

Why quote Exodus when we’re at the end of the Old Testament? Because this verse concisely states who God is and how He revealed Himself throughout history. This verse shows up again and again in the Minor Prophets, and it is what we should all have in mind when reading about God in Scripture.

“Rend your hearts and not your garments. Return to the LORD your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love; and he relents over disaster.” – Joel 2:13

How many times do we need to be reminded of who God is? The Israelites needed to be reminded again and again. When we read God’s Word and discover His perfect plan for redemption – we can’t help but respond with thanksgiving and praise.

This week, find the many different ways you can worship the Lord through the reading of His Word. Try to find out something about God that you never knew before and give us your thoughts in the comment section below.

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

In some ways The Bible in 90 Days is a sprint, but in other ways it’s a marathon. The good news is … you just turned the last corner and the finish line is in sight!  You can almost hear the crowd cheering for you at a distance.

Congrats! Week 11 is here. And by the end of next week, you will have read the entire Bible. What an accomplishment! Of course, more than finishing a great task, you have encountered God in new and deep ways.

Would you take a moment to share with us some of your newfound insights about God’s Word on our website? In doing so, you will encourage others.

The coming week will bring Jesus to the forefront of your attention. He is now clearly the main character of the Great Story, in the flesh, up close, and personal. Each account of Jesus’ life and ministry will give you new perspectives about the same person. The end of the week leads you into “part two” of Luke, where you read about how God expanded and empowered His church through His Spirit in the book of Acts.

Matthew 26:57 – Acts 6:7 Themes

Matthew  What a cliffhanger!  As you finished reading yesterday, you left Jesus before the high priest after He was betrayed in the garden by Judas.  From here, you’ll read about Christ’s death, resurrection, and ascension. Just before He leaves, He commissions His followers to make disciples around the world.

Mark  Many believe John Mark wrote down the apostle Peter’s reflections about his time with Jesus. Mark describes Jesus as both the Son of God (1:1) and the Son of Man (10:45). The former title represents Jesus’ divinity, and the latter explains His humanity. Both titles fulfill Old Testament prophecy.

Luke  Luke is the only Gentile author in the New Testament and he approaches the task like a journalist. He examines the stories and interviews eyewitnesses with the desire that anyone who reads his narrative may be certain that the events he reports about are true (1:1-4). Luke, under inspiration from the Holy Spirit, does not shy away from the truth he has learned. He continually reminds us that Jesus is the Savior (2:11) and, near the end of the gospel, that Jesus came to “seek and save the lost” (19:10).

John  The apostle John says he wrote his gospel account so that “you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (20:30-31). John does not tell Jesus’ story chronologically as the other three gospels do, but rather chooses important and profound events to support his thesis. In fact John spends nearly 40% of his time documenting the last week of Jesus’ life.  As Pastor Scotty Smith writes, this is “the most crucial week of our Lord’s life and of human history.”

Acts  Following the continuous action that took place after Christ’s resurrection, the “Acts of the Apostles” was written by Luke to document the expanding Kingdom of God. Full of Spirit-powered action, this book covers a period of nearly 30 years and was written to encourage God’s people that Jesus is always working to advance His kingdom and bless His people.


Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

It’s amazing how reading quickly through the Old Testament has illuminated the interconnectedness of the whole Bible. How much later books echo things from earlier books. It is truly faith-building to see the unity that God, the same yesterday, today and forever, the alpha and omega, who was, and is, and is to come, inspired writers from so many different time periods and settings to write down pieces that form such a cohesive whole. Praise His Holy Name!

P.J., Texas

B90 Insight of the Week

The gospels are full of truthful contrasts. Jesus is both God and Man (John 1). Humans are created in God’s image yet full of sin (Luke 15). We were created to know God and enjoy Him, but our sinful desires continually keep us separated from Him (John 3).

Only Jesus can fulfill the law that we broke and take our sin’s penalties (Matthew 5). Only a perfect sacrifice could be acceptable to God (Mark 10:45). That’s why, even before the world was created, our Triune God planned that God the Son would become the God-man and would die so that He could save His people from their sins.

Even those of us who are living in Christ still feel contrast. The guilt of our sin has been lifted, but we still feel tempted (and sometimes give in) to sin because of our flesh. We are already in Christ’s kingdom, and yet His kingdom is still to come. 

That is why Jesus left us His word and His Spirit to give us direction and power to redeem our time and glorify Him in all the earth (Acts 1:8).

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

You have read more than 1000 chapters of Scripture! God’s plan to save His people has come to pass with the coming of Christ. And the story did not here. Nor did it end after the Resurrection or Ascension.

Much to the joy of Jesus’ friends and followers, and the frustration of Jewish leaders, this was just the beginning. Rather than killing the Author of life Himself, the Crucifixion had only managed to set off a wildfire that would soon spread all over the world!

As we read this week, God was (and still is) making a kingdom for Himself through His church and the power of the Holy Spirit. The plans and ways of God are always different than ours and tend to surprise us. The first century disciples of Jesus would never have guessed their Teacher needed to die so that they could receive the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit. But this is exactly how the Lord intended to bring about His kingdom on earth.

Acts 6:8-Philemon 25 Themes

Acts   “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” (Acts 1:8). These were Jesus’ last words to His disciples. They would soon meet the third person of the Trinity who, for the first time in Scripture, would be seen, heard, and recognized by God’s people.

Romans  Being a Christian is much more than just waiting to go to heaven. God calls believers to live as members of a new creation. In the letter to the Roman church, Paul outlines why this should change how they live. He writes, “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (3:23). And he shares, “But now a righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law” (3:21). This does not give us freedom to live however we please, but to “present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual act of worship” (12:1). The good news of faith in Christ completely changes us!

1 Corinthians  Paul saw himself as a father taking care of his spiritual children from far away. He accomplished much of his spiritual parenting by writing to those he called, “my beloved children” (4:14). His “children” in Corinth had split into various divisions, some calling themselves followers of Paul, and others of Apollos or Peter. The young church was sexually immoral, they were bringing lawsuits against each other, and they were marrying unbelievers. They needed to be admonished, but Paul still had great hopes for them. Paul reminds them of the pure simplicity of following Jesus, “I decided to know nothing while I was among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified” (2:2).

2 Corinthians  Whereas the first letter Paul wrote was a rebuke, the second is softer. He reminds them that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ “comforts us in all our troubles” (1:4) so that we can extend a comforting word to others. Paul points these Christians to place their hope in heaven which, after they have suffered for a little while, will surely come.

Galatians  Paul gets right to the point: “I am astonished you are so quickly turning to a different Gospel” (1:6). Among other things, Jesus’ death and resurrection meant the walls between Jews and Gentiles had been torn down, and this made Jewish people uncomfortable. They wondered if they should go back to their old ways. This letter presents a clear decision that must be made: justification by faith or by works? On this specific point there is no middle ground.

Ephesians  Few books have occupied the attention of those who love God’s Word like Ephesians. The enthusiasm of Paul for the gospel of Jesus Christ is contagious. All you have to do is scan the first chapter and count how many times Paul references Jesus to realize the depth of his passion. The first half focuses on our blessings in Christ and the new reality we live in as children of God. The second half devotes itself to the implications of those truths. Our identify in Christ impacts how we live, what we do privately and in public, how we treat others, and how we make a stand in our world while continuing to grow in Christ.

Philippians  Written from Rome by Paul while he is “in chains” for the gospel, Philippians is a letter to the church in Philippi. It is one of the most joyful books in the Bible, as Paul encourages his readers to rejoice no matter their circumstances. He models it for them as he fixes his eyes on Christ, regarding everything else as “rubbish” by comparison. As you read, look for words and phrases related to joy. There are at least 20 of them in Philippians.

Colossians  One of the so-called “prison epistles,” Colossians was written while Paul endured his first imprisonment in Rome. Unique from other New Testament letters, this one was written to confront specific challenges and heresies that had risen up against the gospel. Most of his attention is placed on the supremacy, sufficiency, and lordship of Jesus Christ over all of creation. It also clarifies the full deity of Christ as Paul writes, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form” (2:9).

1-2 Thessalonians  Like the church at Philippi, the church at Thessalonica was a fairly healthy church. Paul commends them for their love for each other and for the way they live in eager expectation of the return of Christ. However, shortly after sending the first letter, Paul received a report that the Thessalonians had accepted a false teaching that the “day of the Lord” had already passed. While confronting this false teaching, Paul clarifies several points related to the doctrine of heaven and provides some answers to the age-old question, “What happens when we die?”

1 Timothy  Paul loved Timothy like a son and had travelled extensively with him. Paul likely wrote this letter after being released from his first imprisonment. In it he encourages Timothy to persevere in his ministry and admonishes him to live a life of Christ-centered godliness. This letter is jam-packed with doctrine applicable to life, godliness, and church oversight.

2 Timothy  Written a few years after his first letter to Timothy, this letter is deeply moving. The apostle Paul seems to realize that he has reached the end of his life and ministry. Soon Jesus will call him home and, at least in this life, he will never see Timothy again. Read in this light, 2 Timothy is almost like a last will and testament. But Paul has few earthly possessions to be concerned with. His greatest concern is for Timothy’s faithfulness, effectiveness, and endurance as an overseer and leader of the church.

Titus  Titus is a young pastor who leads the church in Crete. This body of believers has two problems, one on each end of the spectrum. One on hand, they struggle with godless, rule-free living. On the other hand, they struggle with legalistic rule-following. The apostle Paul helps Titus see that the root of the problem is the same – putting hope in the flesh. Paul guides Titus toward the antidote – living in the grace of the Lord Jesus, from which springs godliness motivated by gratitude.

Philemon  Philemon is a unique letter. It is a case-in-point as Paul writes to a wealthy Colossian Christian whose former life was that of a slave owner. Both he and one of his runaway slaves have encountered the grace of Jesus Christ, which presents them both with a conundrum … how to reconcile their past lives with their new identity in Christ. This short letter is as fascinating as it is rich!


Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

I am now reading the exciting story of the birth of the church, and the living presence of Jesus among the early Christians. My thoughts went back to the years the Israelites spent in the wilderness on their way to the Promised Land. There, too, the living God was manifest among them, but now in the book of Acts, Christians now know Jesus alive & powerful among them. I look forward to the conclusion of the wonderful story in the Book of the Revelation.

Ken Seburn, International

B90 Insight of the Week


From time to time, we all catch ourselves regarding someone as beyond the reach of God’s grace. At times, in our heart of hearts, we may not even want them to repent and turn to Jesus. Somehow it feels justifiable to condemn them in our hearts for the evil they have done or the things they stand for.

The life of Saul-who-became-Paul is a powerful testimony to the fact that nobody is beyond the reach of God’s grace! Aren’t you glad that this persecutor of the church and accessory to murder encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus?

Next time you find yourself regarding someone as unworthy of God’s grace, stop to consider the matter from another perspective. How greatly would this person’s conversion showcase the saving power of Jesus Christ! Instead, pray that, like Saul, they might become a Paul for the glory of God.

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!