God’s Will

Most of us have asked ourselves the question, “What does God want me to do with my life?”

Usually, we face it for the first time in high school, before we graduate and enter the real world. If we’re lucky, a clear path is laid before us and we’ll never have to ask this question again. But for the other 99%, our road is a bumpy one full of job hunts, relationship troubles, college applications, child-raising, and maybe even unemployment.

Frankly, the question never goes away.

Even when the dust settles and we finally think we have this life thing figured out, the unexpected happens. The worst thing we can do is stop trying and hope for the best.

We need to stop being lazy and think critically. But most of all, we need to focus less on ourselves and more on Christ. Instead of asking “Lord, what is my purpose in life?” we should be asking, “Lord, what is YOUR purpose for my life?”

When we make this paradigm shift, we then allow ourselves to be more open with God as we pray for guidance.

Here are a few great examples on how to pray for God’s will taken from a book called “Praying God’s Will For My Life” by Lee Roberts. Here, we can learn how to honestly come before the Lord and pray through His promises in Scripture.

Seek First the Kingdom

I pray that I will not worry about my life, what I will eat or what I will drink; nor about my body, what I will put on.  I pray that I will seek first Your kingdom, God, and Your righteousness, and all these things shall be added to me.

Matthew 6:25, 33

Glorify Christ in Your Life

I pray that whatever I do, I will do it heartily, as to You, Lord, and not to men, knowing that from You I will receive the reward of the inheritance; for I serve the Lord Christ.

Colossians 3:23-24

Make Disciples

Lord, I pray that I would fulfill Your commission, going and making disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19

When we pray through Scripture, we start to grow as followers of Jesus. We learn the character of God and we start to become the person He intends us to be. In doing this, we live lives that are honoring to Him. Our jobs, family, and overall purpose in life take on new meaning.

Best of all, we begin walking in light of the great story that’s all about Jesus.


Note: If you like the idea of praying through Scripture and you are eager to find who God is calling you to be, read the book Praying God’s Will for My Life by Lee Roberts. You can also listen to some testimonies from people who have seen the effects of praying God’s will through Scripture.

Corum Hughes works on the production team for HAVEN Today and is the managing editor of the All About Jesus blog. His passions include running, biking, reading, watching movies, and seeking Jesus in places He is seldom sought. Corum lives with his wife in California.