
Summer 2022 has been marked by record inflation, intolerable gas prices, and the question of whether or not the US economy is in a recession. With so much uncertainty surrounding finances, this is a good time for Christians to consider their relationship with Jesus and money.

This week’s episode of the Great Stories Podcast returns to a 2012 conversation where Charles Morris asked Bible scholar and Professor of New Testament at Asbury Theological Seminary Dr. Ben Witherington III some hard-to-face questions about money. Questions like: 

  • What should a Christian do with his or her money?
  • What does the Bible say about tithing?
  • What are the myths that Christians believe about money?

Whether you have immense wealth or meager means, we pray this conversation will be a great way for you to consider how Jesus would want you to relate to your income, possessions, and the things of this world that moth and rust destroy.

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What should a Christian do with his or her money? What does the Bible say about tithing? What are the myths that Christians believe about money? This week, Haven Today has been talking with Dr. Ben Witherington and asking him some hard-to-face questions about money.

A New Testament scholar at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, Witherington goes all the way back to the beginning of creation in Genesis to start uncovering what God has said about money in his book, “Jesus and Money: A Guide for Times of Financial Crisis” (Brazos Press, 2012). As he writes:

“There is an important corollary that comes with the notion that
God created all things, and made them all good. That corollary is that
all things ultimately belong to God.”

I don’t know about you, but this is hard for me to swallow, even though I know it’s true. Can’t I just go spend my money on whatever pleases me? Witherington’s conclusions are hard to dismiss, easy to convict, and will drive you to ask Jesus what he would have you do with the resources he has entrusted to you.

And if you’re enjoying this week’s series, don’t miss the last two series that Witherington did for us at Haven:

And tell us what you think! What are you struggling with when it comes to money?