
When you hear the word evangelism, does it make you feel a little nervous or slightly guilty? If we’re being honest with ourselves, I think a lot of us would have to say “yes” on both counts. Many of us see evangelism as a kind of spiritual cold-calling or unwanted door-to-door sales pitches where you might try to talk with people you don’t know about something they don’t want to hear about.

The good news is that there is another way to share the good news of Jesus in an effective and meaningful way.


The Arts of Spiritual Conversations is a program that helps us practice nine everyday activities that can open a gateway for talking about God naturally with anyone. These practices reflect the way that Jesus interacted with the people around Him, and it’s the way we can bring the gospel into everyday life. Getting started is as simple as noticing, praying, and listening.

This book provides rich content, insightful questions, and hands-on practice that can improve the way you have conversations and build relationships.