Blog Post

The D-Day for Our Souls

Did you first believe in Jesus Christ because of C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity? Me too. The more people I talk to over the years, the more I’m surprised at how…
Blog Post

Where is your home?

I’m home visiting my family in Seattle for a time. The only problem is, I’m a little homesick for Virginia. These days, when I think of home, I think of…
Blog Post

Heaven IS For Real

He was three years old and on the brink of death. His appendix had ruptured and he was enduring hours of surgery when he had what many would call an…
Blog Post

The King’s Once and Future Blessings

In 2012, when my wife and I moved to Walkerton, Indiana, so that I could pastor a church, we bought a 125-year-old house. While we were excited to have a…