
M.D. Perkins on Gender and Sexuality in the Church

Gender and sexuality have become some of the most controversial topics facing the church today. Far from new, these issues continue to be hotly debated in the church. Why is…
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In His Image: Watch the Official Trailer!

Can you be gay and be a Christian? What if someone genuinely feels trapped in the wrong body? Did God make me this way? Is change even possible? In His…
Blog Post

Should a Christian attend a Same-Sex Wedding?

In light of the United States Supreme Court decision to allow same-sex marriage in all 50 states, this question is becoming increasingly more relevant for a biblically-minded Christians. In this…
Blog Post

Sam Allberry on Struggling with Same-Sex Attraction

Sam Allberry, a church pastor in the UK, is a Christian with same-sex attraction. Because of his love for Jesus, he is committed to remaining celibate. Sam also mentions that…
Blog Post

Gay Marriage: What Christians Do Now

When the Supreme Court struck down the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act in June 2013, it certainly seemed like the tide of our culture would continue to steadily move toward…