John Dickson Christian Mission

John Dickson Shares the Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission

Evangelism. There are few words in the English language that have sparked as much fear — in the hearts those on the giving and receiving end — than this common…
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The Life & Legacy of Elisabeth Elliot

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published here on June 22, 2015 shortly after Elisabeth Elliot went home to be with the Lord.  Jesus can be intense. And following Him…
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5 Events that Shaped the Church

There are an estimated 7 billion people on the earth today, and we are all the product of the countless generations of people who came before us. And just like…
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How to Talk About God in Everyday Life

When you hear the word evangelism, does it make you feel a little nervous or slightly guilty? If we’re being honest with ourselves, I think a lot of us would…
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An Interview with the Boldest Man on Earth

There is really no Iron Curtain for the brave. ~ Brother Andrew Andrew van der Bijl, endearingly known as Brother Andrew, may be the boldest man to have shared the…
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Sharing the Good News on YouTube

Maybe you’ve heard the good news and now you’re ready to tell other people. Is there anything more daunting? First, rest assured that the salvation of your loved ones doesn’t…