“Then the LORD put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.” “Knock and the door will be opened to you.”

Genesis 4:15b, Matthew 7:7b
When Adam and Eve were banished from the Garden of Eden, angels stood at the entrance with flaming swords because the gates were closed. Their world would be marked by pain, hard work, and death. Just imagine their regret.
We all wrestle with our regrets and wish we could go back to change things. When I worked as a warden for the Department of Corrections, I knew many prisoners who reviewed their past crimes with deep regret.
A few verses after Adam and Eve leave the garden, we read about the first murder, when Cain killed Abel. Cain was banished from the land and his family. He was expelled from everything familiar. Those serving time behind bars have an idea what this feels like. But God knew Cain’s grief, and He gave him an opening, protecting him by marking him.
Do you see the grace there? No matter what our disobedience or what our crime, we can call on God. He does not abandon us when we’re separated from family and friends. Our Lord loves us. He hears our cries and has marked us out with His redeeming blood.

Scripture Focus

Genesis 3:22-24; 4:8-15


In the desperate times of our lives, in our moments of regret, God will not abandon us. He hears and protects us.

Bible In A Year

  • Exodus 27-28
  • Psalm 39
  • Luke 3