"By day the LORD directs his love, at night his song is with me - a prayer to the God of my life."
(PSALM 42:8)

Psalm 42
Within one year, late night television lost both of its long-term titans. First, Jay Leno retired in 2014, and then David Letterman in 2015. For viewers, their funny voices in the night kept them company and brought a bit of joy. So when they left, many late night fans were saddened.

Today’s psalm reminds us to reflect on our late-night experiences. We often focus on “morning devotions,” forgetting to call on the Lord in the evening. Sometimes we go to bed without ever thanking the Lord for His blessings. For some, the darkness of night produces fears and anxieties that steal the joy and peace offered us in Christ.

There are many psalms that show us a better way. When we feel alone, frightened, or anxious, we need to call out to God for rescue. Help me, Lord! My heart feels as dark as the night!

Our relationship with God is meant to be 24/7, bringing more comfort and joy than any late-night show. In worship and in prayer, we can remember who God is and think of Him “through the watches of the night” (Psalm 63:6).

Scripture Focus

Psalm 42


"Let the saints rejoice in this honor and sing for joy on their beds." (Psalm 149:5)

Bible In A Year

  • Exodus 5-6
  • Psalm 28
  • Mark 8