“This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Psalm 118:24
The day before Christmas, and all through our home
There’s excitement and wonder for festivities to come.
We can bide our time and anticipate,
Or use each day to celebrate!

Celebration brings to mind the observation of a special event. It can also mean “to praise widely.” In our relationship with the Lord, praising Him widely is exactly what the psalmist of today’s verse means for daily life. Celebrations—something God Himself instituted back in the Old Testament—are important for remembering special occasions. But we can celebrate our Lord every day!

On Christmas Eve when our children would bide their time until the church service was over and the gift opening time approached, they needed to be reminded to make use of the day. This reminder is relevant to us, too. As we wait for Christmas morning—and wait even beyond that for His return at the end of time—we rejoice as the angels did while it is still called “today.”

Right now is the perfect time to rejoice in the Lord and be glad in His saving grace!

Scripture Focus

Psalm 118:15-29


When you have time, don’t just wait; use it to celebrate!

Bible In A Year

  • Nahum 1-3
  • Proverbs 24
  • Revelation 3-5