“But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” 1 Peter 3:15
Once, when serving as a camp counselor for a group of middle school boys, I was able to enjoy being right in the action with the campers rather than being a staff worker. But that week went down in history as Norovirus Week. Of the staff and campers, 90% experienced vomiting and other symptoms. Two kitchen workers and I were among the fortunate 10%. Therefore, I was conscripted to run the dish room while the other two staffers prepared food for 200 sick campers. By God’s grace, I and my healthy kids washed all the dishes for the entire camp! We should always be prepared to give an account of our faith. Even when we are ready to “enjoy a week as a camper” and not worry about the “staff work” side of things, we never truly have a day off from being a Christian. I loved running the washroom for a few days, and we should all look forward to unexpected opportunities to share the joy and truth of our faith. When we remember the magnitude of what Christ did for us for the joy set before Him (that’s you and I!), we are happy to live our lives for Him.

Scripture Focus

Philippians 1


God’s greatest work happens when we are at our weakest points so that He receives all the glory, and we receive the encouragement.

Bible In A Year

  • 2 Chronicles 15-16
  • Psalm 15
  • Matthew 22