Ep. 1 – Tyler van Halteren adapted Pilgrim’s Progress into a fun, insightful, and easy-to-read children’s book that points to Jesus around every turn. Now he’s turning his attention to the Word of God.

Ep. 2 – Even the finest nations and rulers fall apart over time, but the Kingdom of God endures forever. From Abraham to Jesus, the Lord keeps his covenant promises.

Ep. 3 – The Old Testament offers glimpses of God’s Kingdom announced and God’s Kingdom coming later through the birth of the Messiah. Join Charles Morris he looks at the signs of the Messiah in the story of Joseph.

Ep. 4 – Food, family, and football. This is what many of us are looking forward to on Thanksgiving in the U.S. But this year, let’s draw our attention to something far greater … the gift of knowing Jesus.

Ep. 5 – It’s one of the most famous stories in the Old Testament. By God’s instruction, it also became a holiday and a children’s story for all of Israel.

Ep. 6 – Joshua began leading Israel during uncertain times. The Lord promised to be with his people, but some had their doubts. This is when an unexpected ally stepped up to help preserve the Kingdom of God.

Ep. 7 – Without a king, there would be no kingdom. And where the king goes, the people follow. Today we’ll look at the life of the (second) greatest king to ever rule the people of Israel, and how he leads us to Jesus.

Ep. 8 – Isaiah prophesied that the coming Messiah would be great, glorious, and better than any king Israel ever had — just not in the way anyone expected.

Ep. 9 – Daniel was a man of visions who God used to save his people. But even more importantly than this, the prophet pointed his people to the coming King of Kings. He does the same for us today.

Ep. 10 – The final book of the Old Testament, Malachi, means “My Messenger.” It’s not only the name of the prophet who wrote it, but the theme of a powerful Messianic prophecy.

Ep. 1 – Tyler Van Halteren on Sharing God’s Word with Children
November 20, 2023
Ep. 2 – The Father of Faith
November 21, 2023
Ep. 3 – The Gospel According to Joseph
November 22, 2023
Ep. 4 – The Gift of Knowing Jesus
November 23, 2023
Ep. 5 – An Old Testament Glimpse of the Messiah
November 24, 2023
Ep. 6 – The Faith of a Prostitute
November 27, 2023
Ep. 7 – Seek Ye First
November 28, 2023
Ep. 8 – Exceeding Expectations
November 29, 2023
Ep. 9 – Daniel is a Prophet for Our Times
November 30, 2023
Ep. 10 – The Old Testament’s Last Prophet
December 1, 2023



The Kingdom of God Bible Storybook: Box Set

Take your family on a journey to discover the story of God’s kingdom from Genesis through Revelation in this beautiful book!

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The Kingdom of God Bible Storybook: New Testament

Take your family on a journey to discover the story of God’s kingdom from Matthew through Revelation in this beautiful book!

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Tyler Van Halteren on Sharing God’s Word with Children

There’s no shortage of kingdoms in children’s movies and books, and yet all of them pale in comparison to the Kingdom of God. But then why is it so often difficult to teach our kids that all of li ...

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The Story Behind the Kingdom of God Bible Storybook

From beginning to end, the Bible tells one unified story, written over thousands of years in sixty-six books. At the center of this greatest of all stories is the kingdom of God. A kingdom may seem ...

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Thanksgiving with Phil Vischer and Sally-Lloyd Jones

As we prepare for another Thanksgiving in the US, Charles Morris is returning to two conversations he had with two special people who have done tremendous work in helping children learn about Jesus: S ...

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Tyler Van Halteren Introduces Pilgrim’s Progress to a New Generation

Christians throughout history have faced countless trials and tribulations. You might even feel like we’re living through a moment like that right now. But one of the greatest benefits of having mul ...

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Tyler Van Halteren on the Little-Known Sequel to John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress”

You’ve probably heard of John Bunyan’s “The Pilgrim’s Progress.” After all, it’s one of the most significant works of literature ever published (aside from the Bible). But did you know thi ...

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Mini-Doc: The World of John Bunyan

"The Pilgrim’s Progress" has been translated into over 200 languages and has never gone out of print. Even though John Bunyan wrote the words in the 17th century, many alive today still regard it as ...

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