Ep. 1 – Scholars thought he would be forgotten in less than a decade. His fellow professors looked down on him because he became a Christian and wrote novels. But the legacy of C.S. Lewis lives on.

Ep. 2 – The Chronicles of Narnia tells a story of a world corrupted by evil and could only be saved by the mighty Aslan. This story sounds a lot like the world we live in and the redemption we have through Jesus.

Ep. 3 – As we move through life we’re often surprised by the direction it takes. But the Bible teaches that all the twists and turns in a Christian’s life are not products chance but the guiding hand of our Father.

Ep. 4 – The Voyage of the Dawn Treader takes us on an incredible journey through the Christian life. It’s ups but it’s also downs, dark moments, and moments of light and redemption.

Ep. 5 – The end of the world is often seen as a catastrophic event. But the last book in the Narnia series reminds us that there will be much joy for true believers.

Ep. 1 – Interview with Dr. Alistair McGrath
May 29, 2023
Ep. 2 – Corruption and Redemption
May 30, 2023
Ep. 3 – A Horse, His Boy, and Providence
May 31, 2023
Ep. 4 – The Journey
June 1, 2023
Ep. 5 – New Creation
June 2, 2023



The Chronicles of Narnia (Collector’s Edition)

The classic stories of C. S. Lewis come to life through this beautifully boxed edition of fully dramatized audio adventures.

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