Ep. 1 – The Kingdom of Heaven—that’s what Jesus came preaching, according to Matthew’s Gospel. It’s a topic so big that everything Jesus taught fits under that header. So, what is the Kingdom of Heaven? Listen and learn more.

Ep. 2 – Why does the same Gospel message penetrate the heart of one person but not another? And for the Christian, why is spiritual growth such an uphill battle? We don’t have to wonder—Jesus gave the answer in a parable found in Matthew 13.

Ep. 3The Gospel means, literally, good news. And Jesus preached the good news that the Kingdom of Heaven had now come in Him. Yet his message didn’t sound like good news to many who heard it. Why is that? Tune in to find out.

Ep. 4 – What’s the most valuable thing you possess? That depends on what you value most, but is it all relative? Jesus says no; there is, in fact, something more valuable than anything else. It’s found in two side-by-side parables in Matthew 13.

Ep. 5 – A tree and a kingdom—these themes intertwine throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. In Matthew’s Gospel, a “kingdom tree” stands at the heart of Jesus’ parables, its mysterious message pointing to a larger story.

Ep. 6 – Lilias Trotter could have been the greatest living artist in England, achieving recognition and success in the eyes of the world. Yet, she gave it all up to take another path—the narrow road with Christ—pursuing His calling on her life. Special guest Miriam Rockness shares about Lilias’ inspiring journey.

Ep. 1 – What Is the Kingdom of Heaven?
August 26, 2024
Ep. 2 – The Seed, the Soil, and the Soul
August 27, 2024
Ep. 3 – Wheat, Weeds and Final Judgment
August 28, 2024
Ep. 4 – The Treasure Worth Everything
August 29, 2024
Ep. 5 – A Tree at the Heart of the Kingdom
August 30, 2024
Ep. 6 – Laboring for the Lord
September 2, 2024



Many Beautiful Things DVD

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Lilias Trotter: The Lesson of the Buttercup

Miriam Rockness is an author and historian who has devoted many years to the study of Lilias Trotter's life, art, and faith. Below is a blog Miriam wrote in 2013 about Lilias' poignant "Lesson of the ...

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Make Time for Beauty: Lessons from the Life of Lilias Trotter

“Do you make time for beauty?” asked my pastor in a sermon. It caused me to pause and ponder—when was the last time I made time for beauty? Different seasons of life get filled with many things, ...

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Miriam Rockness on the Life, Art, and Faith of Lilias Trotter

What is truly worth living and dying for? For Lilias Trotter, this question led her to consider two diverging paths. Would she turn her back on a promising future as one of the greatest artists in the ...

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