How would you like to be stress-free? That’s a goal many of us would like to reach. Those of us who know the Lord have a wonderful promise from our God who goes by the name “peace” or shalom. Be sure and listen to the next HAVEN Today as Charles Morris leads us to the scriptures and a program called “I AM Your Peace”.
I Am Your Peace
April 16, 2007
I Am Your Provider
April 17, 2007
I AM Your Banner
April 19, 2007
I AM Your Healer
April 20, 2007
I AM There
April 23, 2007
I AM Your Righteousness
April 24, 2007
I AM Your Salvation
May 1, 2007
I AM Your Righteousness
August 7, 2008
I AM Your Peace
August 27, 2008
I AM Your Healer
August 28, 2008
I AM Your Banner
August 29, 2008
I AM There
September 2, 2008

