Ep. 1 – Barbara Juliani left her Christian home when she was 18. She had decided she didn’t want to live by her parent’s rules anymore. But no matter how far she ran, she could never outrun the love of God.

Ep. 2 – Have you ever experienced the pain of watching a loved one leave the faith? Even in the most discouraging moments, we can be encouraged because God is in the business of leading prodigals home.

Ep. 3 – Not all of us can relate to the wayward son in the prodigal story. But, maybe some of us can relate to the older brother who didn’t recognize his own sin. No matter who you are, we all need the Father’s grace.

Ep. 4 – Christians have read the parable of the prodigal son for centuries. Many can relate to the younger son. Some can relate to the older brother. But how can we identify with the father in this parable?

Ep. 5 – Have you ever run away from home? You may not have left your family, but we all are runaways in a spiritual sense. We have all run from the Lord, but nothing can compare to that feeling of coming home.

Ep. 1 – Barbara Juliani’s Story
August 29, 2022
Ep. 2 – Trusting God with the Impossible
August 30, 2022
Ep. 3 – Spiritual Pride
August 31, 2022
Ep. 4 – The Father’s Love
September 1, 2022
Ep. 5 – Welcome Home
September 2, 2022



Come Back, Barbara

Come Back, Barbara is an irresistible portrayal of God’s grace and offers invaluable lessons about humbly facing our own struggles.

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Barbara Juliani, author of Come Back, Barbara, shares her story of how she ran from God and became a prodigal child. Eventually, God found her and saved her from a life of hopelessness.


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