PART 1: The book of Revelation isn’t just about the future. Learn more about what this book meant to the Christians of the seven churches mentioned in the opening chapters when you listen to today’s program.

PART 2: As soldiers marched Ignatius of Antioch to Rome where he would be executed, this early church father wrote seven letters that would give us a glimpse of what it means to be homeward bound. Hear his story and how he shows up in Revelation.

PART 3: This life is a journey home, and it’s only when we are absolutely sure of this that we become free to live our lives to the glory of God. Find out what this life of true freedom looks like when you listen to today’s program.

PART 4: By the world’s standards, courage and humility sit on opposite ends of the spectrum. For Christians, they go hand-in-hand. Find out how this applied to a Christian in a Chinese prison when you listen.

PART 5: In order to understand the end, one must go back to the beginning. This is certainly true when approaching the Bible’s final book. Discover the parallels between Revelation and Genesis when you listen.

PART 6: From the minor prophets to the majors and from Peter in the book of Acts to Paul in his letters—there is a common thread running through all of Scripture … the day of the Lord is coming.

PART 1: Revelation’s First Readers
August 31, 2020
PART 2: Ignatius of Antioch
September 1, 2020
PART 3: True Freedom
September 2, 2020
PART 4: Courage and Humility
September 3, 2020
PART 5: Genesis & Revelation
September 4, 2020
PART 6: The Day of the Lord
September 7, 2020



The Revelation

In a two-disc CD set, this best-seller features the entire book of Revelation, as read by Karen Heimbuch, set to an original score.

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Karen Heimbuch felt called by God to memorize the book of Revelation and was struck with the idea to dramatically recite it for others with a cinematic musical score and sound effects to help tell the story. Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the production.


As COVID-19 Wrecks Cuba, Faith Prospers

“I’m sitting in on my front porch, because it’s too hot to be inside.” That sounds like a typical summer afternoon on the hot and humid island of Cuba. But it was 3:00 AM Cuba time when I rec ...

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7 Surprising Truths About Revelation

The book of Revelation opens with a promise of blessing to those who hear and read its contents. This is just as true today as it was when it was first written to early believers in Christ. John, the ...

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Memorizing Scripture: 12 Simple Steps

When was the last time you tried to memorize Scripture? The Bible teaches that there is value in hiding God’s Word in our hearts, but it’s an undertaking many of us don’t attempt very often. ...

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