Ep. 1 – He was a once-in-a-generation intellectual whose Christian witness impacted millions of lives. But how did C.S. Lewis come to faith? Find out when you tune in to today’s program.

Ep. 2A dying mother and trench warfare. Both were painful experiences for C.S. Lewis. But in the midst of terrible suffering, God used those experiences for good.

Ep. 3 – When C.S. Lewis finally turned to the Lord, he faced scrutiny and rejection from many. But he had finally found joy, the joy of Christ. Tune in to remember the joy of knowing Jesus, even in rejection.

Ep. 4 – C.S. Lewis knew the cost of following Christ. But when he met his wife, that cost became even more personal. Tune in to hear about Lewis’ marriage and the great wedding feast of the Lamb.

Ep. 5Where is your hope? And just as important for a Christian, when is your hope? In other words, is your hope in this life or in the life to come?

Ep. 1 – C.S. Lewis: Convinced and Converted
May 13, 2024
Ep. 2 – From Terrible Suffering to Tremendous Faith
May 14, 2024
Ep. 3 – Joy in Knowing Christ
May 15, 2024
Ep. 4 – Sacrificial Love
May 16, 2024
Ep. 5 – Momentary Loss, Everlasting Gain
May 17, 2024



The Most Reluctant Convert (DVD)

Experience C.S. Lewis’ profound journey from vigorous debunker of Christianity to become, as he said, “the most reluctant convert in all England.”

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Max McLean on Portraying C.S. Lewis in "The Most Reluctant Convert"

If you’ve ever listened to an audio version of the Bible, chances are you were hearing the captivating voice of Max McLean. A classically trained actor, McLean dedicates his talents for the presenta ...

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Alister McGrath on C.S. Lewis' Transition from Atheism to Christianity

Originally recorded in 2013, 50 years after the death of C.S. Lewis, Charles Morris had a conversation with Dr. Alister McGrath to shed new light on the most famous atheist-turned-Christian of the 20t ...

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