Week 13: Growing In Christ

Only one week left! Throughout the last 12 weeks surely there have been times when the finish line seemed impossible to reach. But here you are in the home stretch. Take a moment to praise God for His faithfulness.

What sections or themes in your reading of the Scriptures stood out? Which of these would you like to study further? Please post on this page to encourage others as you finish strong!

This week you will read the “Non-Pauline Epistles.” These letters were written by some of Jesus’ disciples and close followers. Though Jesus was no longer physically on earth, His church was growing and needed guidance. These letters show continuity in doctrine and serve as encouragement to all Jesus’ followers.

Hebrews – Revelation Themes

Hebrews   Some scholars believe that Paul wrote this epistle, but since it wasn’t “signed” by him they refrain from calling it a “Pauline epistle.” This letter further explains God’s plan of redemption for both the Jew and the Gentile, and how it’s fulfilled in the person of Jesus, the promised Messiah. The first few words of Hebrews powerfully describe Jesus as, “the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being” (1:3).

James  It is easy to read James’ epistle as a “list of rules” that Christians must follow in order to be saved. In fact, James even states, “faith without works is dead.” One of the most misquoted verses from the Bible, this verse is used by many cults to promote “works-based salvation.” However, we must read and interpret James in its entirety. In the last chapter, he reminds us that God “gives more grace” (4:6). This is not an excuse to keep sinning, but a reminder to “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up” (4:10).

1 Peter  Both of Peter’s epistles were written with the heart of a pastor for his flock. In the first epistle, Peter reminds his readers, who were suffering in life, that it was God’s great mercy that saved them and gave them “a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead to an inheritance that is imperishable” (1:3-8). It is this living hope in Jesus that abides in our lives and helps us endure suffering. Christ gives us the strength so we can “stand firm” in Him (5:10-14).

2 Peter  Peter once again felt compelled by the Holy Spirit to admonish his brothers and sisters in Christ because of the heretical teachings and destructive stories which had begun to creep into the church. He encourages his fellow believers to “be on guard” against these false teachings and to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (3:17-18).

1, 2 & 3 John  As he neared the end of his life, John, “the disciple Jesus loved,” was the only original disciple still living. As a spiritual father he shows his affection for his fellow members in Christ when he addresses them as “dear children.” John’s first letter encourages us to be more like Christ. He explains that God is love and, if we are in Christ, we can love like Him (ch. 4).

John’s second and third epistles talk about hospitality. He teaches that our full hospitality cannot extend towards false teachers and their teachings, but we are instructed to be welcoming towards those who are in Christ.

Jude  Jude, the brother of James, writes this epistle to encourage fellow believers to “contend for the faith” (3) and avoid false teachers (4). He reminds us that we cannot “live” a godly life without Jesus. It is He who “keeps us from stumbling” and it is He who will present us “blameless” to the Father (24-25).

Revelation  This final book was written to the “seven churches” that were facing very real challenges in their day. John reminds us that Jesus Himself walks in the midst of His churches, encouraging the faint and exhorting the lukewarm. Despite your interpretation of how some of the “apocryphal” descriptions will play out in the future, the ultimate purpose of Revelation is to encourage all followers that Jesus will triumph over evil. The Lamb will win! (19:1-21)


Encouraging Comments from B90 Readers

I am almost there! It has been extremely tough keeping up with it but I am keeping up. It has been a lot of fun and I have learned a lot.

Elizabeth Bell, Connecticut

I started late and it has been a struggle to catch up … wanted to finish with everyone today, but here I am on Day 81 … what I find amazing about God’s ways … is that wherever I am His Word is pertinent to the things I am going thru … God speaks thru His Word, it is alive and active in my life and I am so thankful. This has been a real discipline for me to read so much in a day, and not to stop and study … and it still takes me a lot longer than half an hour. : )

Marilyn, International

B90 Insight of the Week

Well done! You have now finished reading through the Bible in 90 Days. Now what will you do with your time? We want to encourage you to keep reading.

Some people will turn back to Genesis and start it all over again (perhaps at a slower pace this time). Others will select a book that really stood out to them and begin to dig deeper. Maybe you want to look closer at Isaiah and read more about the promised Messiah. Or maybe you want to look closer at the gospel of Matthew and read how Jesus fulfilled the promises of Isaiah.

No matter where you go next in the Bible, we want to encourage you to stay connected with God through His word. It is the only trustworthy place where you can read and hear His thoughts about life. And He’s given it to us so that we can grow closer to Him.

The Bible in 90 Days

Reading the Bible in ninety days is easier than you thought!

Once you break it down into bite-sized pieces, what may have seemed to be a formidable challenge becomes doable and enjoyable. And this specially designed Bible will help you get the most out of your experience. Fulfill what for many Christians is a longstanding ambition: reading through the entire Bible!

1 Comment

  • Thomas Winiarczyk says:

    The trials and triumphs of life are in focus in Revelation. We see ourselves in Chapters 2 and 3. We both sorrow and rejoice; sorrow for the ways we fail our Lord and rejoice for His faithfulness to us. His little sheep need much and fail much but praise God He will complete the work He started. Maranatha Come Lord Jesus.

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