Scripture Lullabies: Hidden in My Heart

Originally created to help children know Scripture and get a peaceful night’s sleep, the Scripture lullaby series Hidden in My Heart has found a much larger audience. From senior citizens facing illness to young children having trouble falling asleep, this music allows God to minister to people in a uniquely gentle way that is both peaceful and powerful.

Samples from Volume 1


Samples from Volume 2


What began a small project intended for little ones has grown into something much bigger. Scripture Lullabies is now a family favorite to hundreds of thousands. It’s the most peaceful music on the planet – a journey through deeply moving passages of God’s Word set to beautiful, cinematic music. It’s having a profound effect on listeners of ALL ages and makes the perfect baby shower gift or a thoughtful blessing to someone going through a difficult time.


  • Evy Stamoolis says:

    I thought of sending for the lullaby Scripture songs for our son and his family with young children. But I know what they would say if they saw the trailer of images. Why are all the children white? I know it seems like you always have to be politically correct, but it also means including children who would never see a face like their own in this presentation. Maybe I am mistaken and did not see what was there. Thank you for listening

    • Corum Hughes says:

      Hi Evy. Thanks for your thoughtful response to this video and for letting us know about this heartfelt concern. Yes, it looks like this video produced by Breakaway Music does not represent multiple ethnicities, and that is certainly a shortcoming for the many children who don’t often see themselves represented in media like this. Knowing the people who produced this film and album, we are confident that they would never intentionally exclude images or video of other ethnic groups. It looks like this was primarily made with stock photos several years ago without any intention to be politically correct or incorrect. That said, our primary purpose for sharing this video is to introduce people to this music that we believe to be Christ-honoring and beneficial for children and adults to experience the peace of God through Scripture lullabies.

    • Timothy Lasher says:

      Oh sister Evy, if your a lover of Christ I call you sister. My wife has been a teacher for over 25 years of 3-4 year olds. She has children of all ethnicity in her classroom, and has throughout all of her years. She told me a story of a white child and a black child who had on matching hair ribbons, they said look teacher we are twins and sisters”.

      You see dear sister it is us who see color and racism. Remember in the book of Matthew when Jesus had the little ones come to Him, and his followers tried to rebuke the little ones who were being prayed over? Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven was like the little ones.

      This is how our hearts should be!

  • Lorane Cutkelvin says:

    Thanks for this album. Although I cannot afford it now. I listen to you almost daily. Sometimes I am unable to, but that’s very rare. It’s so sad when us christans start judging another intentions. Truly our Father don’t see our skin color! I love you and your program. Sincerely Lorane Cutkelvin. My skin is black.

    • Corum Hughes says:

      Thanks so much for your note and your words of encouragement, Lorane. I’ve forwarded your message to Charles.

  • Melody Andres says:

    Hi! Have sent a check to you for the CD. Am wanting to get it for my adult daughter who can’t sleep thru the night. Music can be such a wonderful way to help us relax & with scripture it will be extra special!
    Sincerely In Christ, Melody Andres

    • Corum Hughes says:

      Thank you so much, Melody! We’ve heard from so many who have used these CDs for the same purpose. I pray your daughter can get relief and a full night’s sleep through these songs.

  • Debbie says:

    Who are the artist singing

  • Em says:

    I love Scripture Lullabies, and found it at a time of trauma.

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