Edmund Clowney Through His Daughter’s Eyes

Dr. Edmund Clowney was a spiritual father to some of our generation’s most respected pastors, but many still don’t know his name. A pioneering theologian, pastor, and author, he helped Christians in the West return to a Christ-centered way of seeing every page of Scripture. Most of those who knew him simply called him Ed. Today’s guest on the Great Stories podcast called him dad.

Rebecca Clowney Jones is the daughter of the late Ed Clowney, but she also worked closely with him on his writing late in life. In fact, she served as an editor and contributor to his final book, How Jesus Transformed the Ten Commandments. In this episode, she discusses her father’s life and legacy, as well as what it was like to work with her father on his final book.

Edmund Clowney, How Jesus Transforms the Ten CommandmentsHow Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments

If Jesus did not abolish the law, then how should we look at the Ten Commandments today?

In How Jesus Transforms the Ten Commandments, Edmund Clowney—a man who Tim Keller said was one of “the fathers of my preaching ministry”—takes the reader through one of the most recognizable, yet misunderstood, passages of Scripture and demonstrates how Jesus fulfills the law and reveals its promise.

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” —Matt. 5:17

In eleven chapters (each with study questions), Clowney goes on to explain how Jesus intensifies the law and expands its scope to every situation in life. But as the author did so often during his ministry, he goes further, finding Christ in the law and showing how He fulfills it for His people. Thus believers will learn more not only of God’s character revealed in the law, but also of the gospel with its focus on Christ.

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