“‘You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you,’ declares the LORD.”

Jeremiah 1:7-8
In these days of stress and uncertainty, “I am with you” is a message we warmly welcome. Just think of it—the God who created the universe and trillions of galaxies, who sent His Son Jesus to make a way for mankind to have a relationship with Him, declares, “I am with you!” Jeremiah speaks from a life of personal experience and his own calling from God. “Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you.” God’s promise was Himself! 

Robert Boardman of the Navigator ministry in Japan had an impact on my life. Severely wounded on Okinawa in WW2, he later returned to the island and ultimately to mainland Japan with the gospel. And he preached it to the children of his former enemy! He writes of Jesus, “He alone can give the courage we need to rule our spirits, to overcome the waywardness of our hearts.” 

God is there for us; His presence with us is real. He promises to save us and carry us through the waywardness of our hearts and through the tragedies and complexities of life. He has always been faithful to His own, and He always will be. 

Scripture Focus

Jeremiah 30:4-11


It’s worth it to follow Jesus. We all will follow someone or something. Choose to follow the One who knows you yet loves you.

Bible In A Year

  • Joshua 19-20
  • Psalm 106
  • Romans 5-6